More skyblock based events.

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by Deleted member 29, Jul 22, 2019.

  1. Sub-Servers such as Creative have things like plot comps. What if we can do something like that on Skyblock? Do an island Comp and showcase some of the best islands out there. Don't do it by level but instead by overall creativity of the person's island.
  2. ImJustAndrew

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I don't disagree with you when you say we need more Skyblock events. But I am going to be on the topic of events in general. I know the Community Events team can be busy and there may not be much stuff inside of the sub-team but I still think there is a lack of events. We have seen in recent times a few Karaoke Events and Boat Races on Skyblock but I think we should see at least one event for each sub server per amount of time so that everyone can experience an event on the game mode they like to play.

    Now on the topic for Skyblock Events. We have seen a few Skyblock events in recent times but they have been quite repetitive, as in (being the same event two times in a row?) Although I am not an MCC Skyblock player I have been a player and fan of the game mode for many years and would like to see some more events come your way.
    Deleted member 29 likes this.

  3. I can agree with you on the fact that we need more events in general, and we need some that are not just the same over and over. I also get that the Community events team is busy but I can also agree on the lack of overall events. I feel like in order to bring the MCC community closer together events like maybe a 2 hour King of the hill event where they open a temp sub-server and do a last man standing KOTH would be interesting. If you have any ideas start a conversation with me and lets brainstorm!
    ImJustAndrew likes this.
  4. Kyee__

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey, I like that you suggest that Skyblock has more events! I am not sure what kind there can be, The idea with I guess having the best island isn't necessarily fair seeing not everyone has ranks, cash and things to create their island. But you can submit a Community Ticket and you can share your ideas with the Community Events Team.
  5. TheTNTPotato

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I definitely agree that there should be more Skyblock events. I used to be on the Community Events team when I was staff and skyblock was the one server that I struggled to come up with events for, so I totally understand why the current team might struggle as well. If you do have any ideas then feel free to make a ticket about it. It can even be a chest/drop party or island contest. I know on other subservers drop parties are popular because a lot of staff and community members will pitch in to donate items for it. Mini PvP tournies are also pretty popular and the admins used to make new mini arenas specifically for them.
    Invader and Chilo_ like this.
  6. Chilo_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey playerunbound!

    100% agree, when I played skyblock 2, almost no events ever happened besides Drop parties that were kinda hosted on the spot. I think with the new(ish) season, this will change, Im sure the community events team will come on with some good ideas

    Recently there was a Boat race, and that went well. So at least there isn't nothing, but yea, it wouldn't hurt if there was more.

  7. bypaths

    bypaths Guest

    I can completely agree with you on the fact that we need more events on MCC, although most of the events in sub-servers are held by players there are is the odd time a staff members holds an event. Just be weary on discord and at some point, an event happening on your sub-server will pop up!
  8. Joshy

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I think one of the things that makes Skyblock events one of the most fun on the server is the fact that the players put on most of them. Kylebop put on an amazing one in a previous season that featured several million dollars being given away in a trivia game. But thats about it, alongside Hide and Seek, the players cant put on much.

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