MOD Warnings

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Ryan_N, Aug 8, 2023.


Should MOD's give warnings before punishing for first time offences?

  1. Yes

    3 vote(s)
  2. Depends

    6 vote(s)
  3. No

    3 vote(s)
  1. Ryan_N

    Aug 6, 2023
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    So, this is a mere suggestion of how MOD's give warnings/considerations when giving a punishment. I would've reported the MOD who Muted me but since they followed the rules I don't want to get banned. Anyways, I believe there is a MOD in specific who Mutes players without warning for simple mistakes. I was muted for counting down in chat while troubleshooting redstone with a friend. I was given no warning just immediate mute for 2 days. That same friend was muted without warning by that same MOD for accidentally misgendering a player in chat and was not given the chance to correct himself. His appeal has been approved since but the fact that he was muted at all makes me think that there needs to be a reevaluation of what warrants a punishment and who gets the power to give punishments. I also acknowledge that these MOD's have a tough job and not everyone deserves slack. However, we both had a clean record up till that point. I hope that as a community we can come together and give each other a chance to correct our behavior. I am not saying any MOD should be punished or that I should be punished further. I am just hoping for a civil discussion about this.
  2. Trainsgender

    Oct 7, 2020
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    A lot of mutes are issued based on reports and chatreports, and warnings aren't issued for this for a simple reason: the player isn't guaranteed to be online. This is very different compared to when staff witnesses a situation themselves.

    So I don't see how exactly you'd change the warning system. All severity 1 chat offences require a warning, apart for a few, and there's good reason for this. For example, when attempting to say a blacklisted word in chat, you'll get an error message telling you not to bypass the word, hence why no warning is needed later.
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    straight up no. as the staff above explained in a better way i could ever explain… he hit the good points.
    i don’t know why you would think it’s so entirely necessary to write a rambling essay for your problem that seemed to be half fixed. if you want a discussion, here’s my response to your talking points :flushed:

    if you did this, it would’ve wasted both your time and mentor team’s time. how silly would it be for a staff to get an infraction for simply giving out a punishment? like they have a quota for amount of chatreport (defined by trainsgebder above) they need to look at, and a vast majority are genuine reports that will require a player who broke a chat rule to be punished.

    yeah, normally this type of thing would get a warning, but if it’s from a report (which it would say if it’s from a report in your punishment via “CR” or “R” if you looked at [link=]punish ment history[/link])
    there is such things called appeals, which you know about since your friend described got an accepted appeal.
    also, counting down is clearly mentioned in the rules… :flushed::flushed:

    did i stutter?
    he was muted likely cause it sounds like he might’ve been disrespectful, and while mcc can be quite the toxic community, it shouldn’t be bred here… :neutral:
    quite simply, the people who have pink, orange, green, teal, or red names are the people who have power to give punishments.
    and what would warrant a punishment is if you break the rules. the rules are not the most specific, and there has been a good amount of discussions between staff on wish-washy punishments and scenarios, but there has also been a good amount of textbook rules/punishments that have been accumulated over mcc’s 8+ years of existence :screamcat:

    clean records mean that’s why you get muted for less time. if you believe it was entirely false you can appeal it as false. although from what i’ve seen happen with posts like these and appeals, making a scene or acting disrespectful towards staff can lean them to deny an appeal (from an unmute, not punishment removal)

    thank you good night
    LeafyTiger24 likes this.
  4. NFXBeats

    Jul 9, 2023
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    TIL, misgendering can get you punished. Amazing. A mod called me a loser and was probably rewarded for it.
    hckx likes this.

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