Mobs clearing

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by NFLs, Dec 27, 2021.

  1. NFLs

    Jan 14, 2021
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    I don't know if it's a bug or on purpose, but whenever ground item clears, the mobs do as well. it sucks because i'd be gathering them to kill them later and then they'll be gone. If this feature has been made to avoid players stacking too many mobs then maybe there could be another solution - Like the mobs despawning at a certain amount. If anyone has other ideas or disagrees please lmk
  2. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hiya NFLs,

    Mobs despawn with clear lag in order to reduce lag across the subserver. Altering the plugin to allow mobs to stay would likely result in the server crashing frequently and high FPS lag for many players as there would be too many entities.
  3. NFLs

    Jan 14, 2021
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    Hi InsaneIsMyName
    First of all thank you for your fast reply, second - I'm not an expert in the tech/server nor FPS area so i have no idea if this sounds dumb but couldn't it be possible? In comparison to survival for example, where mobs spawn all the time in all of the 4 worlds with no issues - and then of course despawns again. So couldn't that also be possible on sb where the mobs despawn after a few mc days instead of the regular 10-15 mins?
  4. Kyee__

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I don't think there is a possibility where that action could be set in place.
    The best thing you could do is either:
    1. AFK the spawners, which you will need to be within a 9x9 chunk radius seeing a player can load 9x9 chunks (the one the player is in plus the one surrounding.
    2. Invest in more spawners so they can spawn more and you dont have to wait as long for them to spawn.
    3. You could get a ALT account to load them in while you're off doing something else.
    But regardless of this, the clear lag will still reoccur every 10 minutes to reduce the server lag.

    - Packet
  5. Maayk

    Dec 13, 2020
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    I'm probably a bit late to this thread but I guess to shed some more light on the reasoning behind why clearlagg does this. Entities cause lag. What entities do spawners make? Mobs and their drops.

    Let's use skellies for example. As we know here on MCC, mobs stack up. Let's assume you managed to stack up 15k skellies and killed all those skellies all at once. The drops take some time to drop from the mob and when there are a lot of drops around you, it causes lag on your end and the players around you.

    I'll add a scenario to give an example if there is clearlagg and there isn't.

    Scenario: You warped to Player A, Player B and Player C's island. You killed 15k skellies on each of the players islands and you left all the drops just on the ground. That's a total of 45k skellies and the number of drops made by those would be massive (probably somewhere around 6-7 full inventories of arrows)

    If there is clearlagg: The drops you left on the ground would be cleared after 10 minutes (assuming you did it when the time that clearlagg just triggered) - this obviously reduces the number of entities on the server and reduces the potential lag.

    If there is no clearlagg: The drops you left on the ground will be there until either someone picks it up or the server restarts. Assume 10 people did the scenario stated above, I would presume that it will cause the server to lag out or even crash.

    This is based on my understanding in how it works. If you feel like what I said is incorrect, please feel free to correct me.

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