Minigames Staff

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Ankh, Apr 21, 2020.

  1. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    So there have been some rumors going around that minigames are finally going to receive a long-awaited, and well-deserved revamp. Which, if true, I commend the owners for finally taking action on such a long-standing issue, and would like to suggest a few additions that could come along with it.

    If minigames are going to be receiving a revamp, then it is very likely there will also be a surge in players, both new and old, coming to see what has changed/improved. So I would like to once more suggest that Minigames Staff be added into the server rankings.

    As expected, they would be responsible for watching over minigames, as well as assisting any players that may have questions. And, if the feature is added, they can also spectate ongoing games to find and dispose of hackers/cheaters. As this is the case, their minutes would be more based around minigames instead of sub-servers, so that Minigames can receive more attention from staff.

    Now before I end this thread, there is one more thing I would like to discuss; Maps. If there is going to be a revamp, I have no doubts that new maps will be added. However just like the current most recent ones they will eventually become old and overplayed, and I'd rather not wait another 2-3 years for more maps. This is why I would also like to suggest the addition of a new staff sub-team: The Maps Team. This team would be responsible for the setup, management, and implementation of the maps within minigames. This would also include Quality Control of user-submitted maps.

    There are hundreds of very talented builders within the masses, a few of which have already come forward and submitted their own maps in hopes of them being added, so it's kind of disappointing that they'll never see the light of day. This addition would hopefully change that, as it would no longer be upon the owners' shoulders to hand-pick, test, and add all these maps, since they'd have a team dedicated to it. There would also be a few minigame-specific responsibilities, such as chest placement on SG/Skywars maps. If this team was added, then we would receive a lot more frequent map updates, without the owners needing to put in a lot of extra work.

    However, these suggestions all depend on the revamp and if it actually happens. To be honest I don't have the highest expectations at this point, however I hope Alex can prove me wrong. Anywho, thanks for reading, and if you have any opinions on this be sure to voice them below.
  2. Mxats

    Apr 16, 2020
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    I really like the idea about the new sub-team, also new maps should definitely be implented. Which could be nice is maybe new mini-game? Recently I saw someone suggesting a new minigame and it was actually quite intresting! I'm sure that there are lots of nice minigames that could be implemented! Overall all of your ideas are definitely a +1 if you ask me!
    Best regards,
    Mats :)
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    LOL hey ankh
    as much as i get your frustrations and see where mcc is a leedle gay, i think it’s be a little gayer to make a specific staff just for minigames. like, i understand there are staff who almost dread getting mins on sub servers they dislike that they either just run around spawn or do reports in there, but also there are staff who use UHC lobby to get minigames minutes while doing reports or appeals or whatever the reason may be. to be honest, with all subservers added together it’s under 1,000 and isn’t that that much since staff can either (a) spread it out or (b) like most already do just run around spawn or do reports or just be on their phone and check chat every few min or even (c) take an loa to reduce requirements, ik some staff have done/do that :eyes: . staff can put their free time minutes into minigames which then make their minigame mins above 1,000.
    i’m not 100% opposed to this, since hypixel is kinda like that, but that’s also becuase they’re a minigames server, mcc has shifted from minigames and a little more into subservers over the years. i think if this was added, that’d be nice,
    but also most helpers can’t ban players, so a minigames helper would seem lowkey kinda useless, like, yes players break chat offenses, but lowkey there’s almost always a staff sweat in a minigame who will chatreport it anwyays.
    for factions staff, i’ve heard they need to get a lot of mins, but with factions there is a lot that be done/needs to get done.. like speccing hackers looking at other fac’s claims n whatnot, and if the fav stafff is playing comp’ then also working on base, patching walls etc. for minigames, you’re literally playing minigames, and for minutes, it only says “minigames” it doesn’t specify which minigame except for uhc. i bet not staff would sweat skywars, unless you’re chilo and play mainly speedy walls. there’s also hackers in mm and cakewars and capture the flag. as far as champion builders go,i’ve seen a fly hacker in there once, it was in lobby. but also inapp builds. for uhc, ghosting and xray and pvp hacks are also something to look out for. as much as minigames does have a lot of parts to it, i just really don’t think a full on “minigames staff” is most needed since other sub minutes can be done easily in first few days of the month and then staff can sweat minigames and put their free time minutes n all that into minigames.
    if this were added, i think it could def help minigames be a little cleaner but also staff’s min req for minigames is almost the same amount as all sub reqs added together so normal staff would be playing minigames too and then it could just clash a little making normal minigames staff not as needed if it goes back to how it is now where normal staff punish players in minigames either from witness or report.

    overall, i am leaning towards -1, just since normal staff can easily fulfill what you described. i’m not 100% opposed to it being added, but also, again, feel that other staff can and kinda already do do this.

    for your maps idea, i think that’s up to owners :shrug: i know normal people are capable of picking maps but not sure how picking maps and the process goes, so.. mcc has a build team blah blah. no opinions on that

    have a good day!
  4. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    The point of this isn't to make it so staff don't need to fill the requirements on sub-servers, the point is that minigames desperately needs the attention. I wouldn't have an issue with it if staff already used their spare time to play minigames, but they don't. In around the past week or two since I returned, I have seen maybe 3-4 staff members in minigames. Though in all honesty I can't blame them since they're not required to play minigames more, but that would be the entire point of this new team.

    Again, the focus of this thread is not the minutes requirements themselves. It's the fact that Minigames NEEDS the attention. From what it seems looking at it from a player perspective, most staff just complete the minimum requirements for minigames then leave them till next month, where they rinse and repeat. This is why it would be nice to have a team dedicated to minigames, so there would be more staff actively moderating minigames.

    I wasn't trying to compare to hypixel, MCC is unique in its own way in the fact that it's the only server I've seen that's successfully run minigames and sub-servers parallel to each other, and has an active playerbase across all of them (aside from CubeCraft, but pretty much the only sub-servers they have are skyblock-related). But it's no argument that sub-servers have definitely been getting a lot more attention. The reason it's shifted away from minigames is because of this. If there is going to be a minigames revamp, then there will likely also be a surge in players. I'd much rather build minigames back up and watch it go down in history instead of watching them slowly fade into oblivion. And if you take away minigames, then MCCentral is no different from your average sub-server network.

    With this logic you could argue that Factions Helpers, or even Helpers in general, are useless. They can't ban players, they can mute but like you said there's almost always a staff sweat that will chatreport it anyways. Helper is simply a trial period, to see if the player is suited for a Moderator position. I don't see an issue with having a Trial-Minigames Moderator, it's simply to test them to see if they're capable of handling the responsibility.

    While I can't argue that Factions definitely has a lot more to offer in the technical aspect, Minigames has a few specific jobs and responsibilities as well, a few of which you've even mentioned yourself. Jobs such as moderating chat, watching for cheaters, inappropriate builds, ect. And all of this work would be divided amongst 8 separate minigames (9 if including both solo and team skywars). So if you ask me, Minigames Staff would be doing just as much, if not more work than Factions Staff. Yes they would be "just playing minigames", but the main priority would still be overseeing and moderating the games. And for minutes, as you mentioned UHC is already separate from the other minigames, so I'd assume it wouldn't be difficult to separate the rest either.

    The problem is they don't, from what it seems most staff barely even touch minigames aside from their monthly requirements. Like I mentioned earlier, seeing 3-4 staff in 2 weeks is pretty ridiculous. And that's on the most popular minigames. They can definitely do better than that.

    If this were added, then the minigames minutes requirement for regular staff would most likely decrease, due to there now being a team dedicated to watching over this section. If I remember correctly, the same thing happened with regular staffs' factions minutes when Factions Staff were added. Some people like me just prefer minigames over sub-servers, which is the main thing stopping them from applying.

    Like I said, the problem is that they don't fulfill this role. Though that's just my opinion, there's not much I can do to change yours.

    The point of the Maps Team would make it so that it no longer depends upon the owners. I think we can all agree they've been pretty slow with adding maps over the years. If they were to give someone else the ability to select maps and prepare them for implementation, then the only thing the owners would need to do is inspect & implement the end product. With the right system, it could even eventually reach a point where the owners don't need to be a part of it, which would take the entire burden of adding new maps off their shoulders. If they just give us a new map, it will get boring eventually. But if there's a team dedicated to always adding new maps, there will always be something fresh and new to play.

    Anyways, thanks for taking the time to reply.
    ThorKingOfAsgard and puposaurus like this.
  5. Modify

    Apr 20, 2020
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    Completely agree that there needs to be a team of staff dedicated to minigames if such a revamp were to occur. However, this will completely rely on the way of which the revamp is conducted - if it does not boost the minigames player base, then there is no point in creating a staff sub-team for such a limited community.

    I also don't seem to think that the "maps team" you suggested would be reasonable. It is incredibly difficult to create a system where staff can upload maps directly to the network's servers without granting these same staff access to destroy the backend. Placing this much trust into the staff team is not a good idea; if this was to happen, perhaps it would be admins only. Though, the time and effort involved does not seem to be worth it. I just don't see something like this becoming possible and that is totally fine. I'm sure Alex could update the maps himself every month or so.
  6. Swinger

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Don't have much to say, agree with everything you've mentioned.
    I don't see why this couldn't work, although I'd agree that the backend interactions would have to be done through an admin (i.e. TImp, who's already dealing with bugs and minor coding through the Quality Assurance team). The other team members would just be interacting with the maps through forums, map downloads, and trello board map voting (or something along those lines). There's enough community submitted maps that have come in over the last 2 years to do multiple minigame updates, and if a small sub-team is going to change the rate of map release, then I think it's more than worth the effort.
    Rev3rse and Modify like this.
  7. Gamer_Pup478

    Dec 26, 2019
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    Wow. I don't even know what to say. This idea sounds so amazing. I really hope this wll get added. We need more staff on minigames, to be able to watch over the games and dedicate most of their time on minigames. The Map Team sounds like a wonderful idea, and maybe they can have it so you know if your map gets accepted/denied. The same with forum reports and Helper Apps.
    Although, I wouldn't exactly make a whole separate staff team just for minigames. Yes minigames do need the attention, desperately, but maybe they can make it that 9 or 10 mods, would have to spend 60 less minutes on each subserver and 120 minutes more on minigames. Just a suggestion. I do see some staff on minigames, but there should be more, and there definitely should be a way to spectate a game, not just have to void every single time.
    jlovesme likes this.
  8. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Honestly, this is something I see a lot of servers doing, and something I rather disagree with. No server trusts their staff anymore, which is stupid, because that's the entire reason you hired them in the first place. I'm not saying a Helper should become the team lead, but come on. Have SOME faith in the staff team.

    It would be relatively easy to come up with a system in which staff can implement maps without destroying the server. Though I can't say the same for implementing it, since they'd need to make a new backend altogether for it.
    1) The maps team can modify worlds for any minigame through an in-game tool that lets them control things such as chest locations on sg/skywars, spawn locations, flag locations, cake locations, easter eggs, ect. They would also be able to modify existing maps, eg. patch exploits, fix mistakes, repair broken redstone, ect.
    2) The Maps Team would play a few games on the map to test it and see how well it is gameplay-wise. There could even be some kind of new private game system, where they can host games on new maps for staff-only.
    3) Once everything is set up and has been tested, the team lead would be able to implement/update the map in the map pool. Obviously, the team lead would be an admin, or senior mod at the very least.

    That's the kind of attitude that has made minigames become the most neglected area of the server. It is very much worth it.

    The problem is he isn't. It's been like 3 years(?) since the latest map was added, and that map was made by an Admin who's no longer with the server. Even if he does add a few new maps with the revamp they will get old eventually, just like the current maps, and I don't want to be waiting another couple years just to get some more maps.
    Zonafer likes this.

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