Minecraft Central Petition

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by HypEric9918, Aug 8, 2019.

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  1. HypEric9918

    Aug 7, 2019
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    This is a petition to the MC Central staff, drafted by me and containing some ideas from GalaxyStxrr. Reply with your username if you choose to sign.

    To Alex Markey and all of the staff team at Minecraft Central,

    We, the players, have grown aggravated with the state of the server for multiple reasons:

    1. The sheer number of hackers that appear in games with killaura, reach, aimbot, fastbow, speed, fly, etc. that make it near-impossible to even have fair games. For example, Skywars is always full of hackers that hack in ways such as automatically building bridges whilst holding their swords. Also, because the anticheat was recently removed, speedhackers always dominate CTF games. Basically, all you need to do is get a speed client, especially the troublesome Networker client, and automatically win every game.

    2. The staff’s general apathy towards our problems with the server, especially the fact that their “solution” to the problem of the low quality anticheat was to remove it altogether, making our hacker problems even worse, and the staff’s general corrupt behavior, which is likely a direct result of many staff members being hired with poor credentials.

    3. The fact that no one on the staff team seems to even care about updating the server in any way, even if just by adding a new map. For example, you claim that you will add Clash Valley 2 to CTF soon, but how long ago was that? Where’s the new map? Also, there are games that are near-dead or completely dead because they haven’t been updated or become any more exciting, such as CakeWars and Speedy Walls.

    4. The ability to pick teams in team games has resulted in team stacking. All of the good players, such as Bob and Oaii, always team up with each other and grind wins, which tends to aggravate many of us. On Hypixel, you can’t do that unless you are partying, and that sounds like a good feature to have on MCC. Also, when people stack with hackers, it makes matters worse. They can easily grind as many wins off of hackers as they want until they get banned. Basically this means anyone can go up a leaderboard if they have a good hacker on their team.

    We hereby petition you to go on non-staff-rank alts and put yourself in our places. For one entire week, divide yourselves up into groups and assign yourselves to different games each day. Once you do this, you will be more able to understand how being an MCC player is a daily struggle. You can take note of how frustrating it is to deal with hackers when you can’t just ban them, the poor quality of MCC’s games, etc. After that week is over, take an entire second week to discuss all of the issues you have encountered that need to be fixed. Finally, use an entire third week to take action and actually solve our problems.

    We warn you that many of us who are signing very much feel like leaving the server at this point. If too many of us leave, it won’t be long before your server is basically a lifeless ghost town.
    krofp likes this.
  2. HypEric9918

    Aug 7, 2019
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  3. Stxrr

    Aug 8, 2019
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    Let me just sign...
  4. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I understand how frustrated you and your friends are with the situation of the server. I’ll do my best to offer solutions for all the problems you and your friends have.
    1- Cheaters: since staff members have to meet requirements, we can’t be online 24/7 on minigames. However, helpers whose requirements are easier to meet than moderators’ are often online on minigames. Unfortunately we aren’t allowed to ban players, but we usually record them and forward videos to moderators, so that the hackers will be banned within a minute.
    2- Staff members: Well unfortunately we can’t do anything to change their humor. You also mentioned about corrupt staff members, which can be reported here.
    3- Improving the server: Since it’s not (so) easy to make good maps such as capture the flag maps, or cakewars maps (they are larger, so it takes much longer), we ask for community members that are talented builders to help us and make awesome maps. Skywars maps are the most common ones, so that’s why ctf and cakewars have the same maps. We don’t want to use maps from public websites as it might ruin the server reputation.
    4- Team stacking: This has been brought up before and in my opinion this would be a terrible idea. I say this because when playing team-skywars (example) i usually get matched up with close friends without being in a party. If teams were decided through parties we wouldn’t be able to team with friends without being in a party with them.

    I was a community member before becoming a helper and I also thought of quitting. Give us a chance to prove that we can make it better by helping you. It might not be immediate but we always do our best to make your gaming experience better. Once again, I understand how frustrated you are and I’m sorry for that. Have a wonderful day
    puposaurus likes this.
  5. Minninq

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Not signing it I think that if all the staff went into the players shoes for a week then there would be even more hackers because then they can't been them. Also I think if you complain enough changes will happen I like that you want a petition just not the petition idea also every staff member has been a regular member in mcc minus alex_markey.
    puposaurus, Bob50 and guih like this.
  6. ImJustAndrew

    Jul 22, 2019
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    1.) I understand the increase in hackers on the network can be an annoyance. The whole staff team does their best to play minigames and record hackers even though we are not required to. (As Helper anyhow.) We encourage players to record and report as well to further limit the number of hackers on at any given time.

    2.) The team can't just fix your and everyone else's "issues/complaints" in the matter of days or weeks. It takes time to code an anti-cheat let alone a whole server. I, personally feel most if not all members of the team are doing their best jobs right now and are making this community a better place to be in. If a staff member is abusing their permissions or if you feel as they are being disrespectful you can report them.

    3.) I cannot say much about this as I really don't know the status of updates in Minigames or anything else on the network but what I can say is we hope to see some updates to Minigames and the maps of said Minigames in the near future.

    4.) I personally would have no issue changing the way teams are made inside of Minigames but MCC has always been the same being able to choose your team in the game at the time and a lot of players in the community have come to like it that way over the years. I, myself find it quite a nice feature as if you see a friend in a random game you can quickly team up with them - no parties or re-joining necessary. If two players are good why is there an issue with partying up and winning every game? Two bad players can party up so why should your skill level define who you can team with? Your issue with this doesn't quite make sense to me.

    As for teaming with hackers, I do admit MC Central should integrate some sort of rule that prevents stat-boosting like that. My only question is - how would we be able to manage this? Would we only punish if the two players were in a party or if they were just randomly joining each other's team each game? There are issues in play with this suggestion because of being able to monitor it correctly but if there was a way I'd like to see it here.

    5.) You say to us that we should go on alternate accounts and play for a week but what you don't seem to realize is that all of us were players at one point as well. We understand the issues of the network, even on the staff team. We love this server and we're not going to leave just because of a few issues. I run into hackers as a staff member constantly and can't ban them I have to record and report just as you and others do.

    6.) You say, players will leave and this server will become a playerless ghost town but that will not happen and here is why: Players leave and new ones join constantly. We have seen a fluctuation in the player count on MCC in the past years but it is still very strong topping 3.3k and I don't see it dropping mass amounts anytime soon. This server has been up since October 2013 and I can't wait to see where we're at, at the ten-year mark.

    Overall there are issues but I hope you can work with us and understand dealing with these aren't easy. The team and the community are hoping to see updates with all of these issues very soon as we already have. Thank you.

    MCC Helper
    Bob50, puposaurus and MasterChheda like this.
  7. Bob50

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Eric about number 4

    Ctf allows you to pick a color.

    Me and Oaii (Josues) want to play with friends and we do not want to have the struggle of letting them by and take the flag cause we truce with each other. The game is also much better playing with friends.

    The only part i agree with you is the hacker part everyone on ctf that is on the monthly leaderboard in the top 15 is using hackers to get to the top. I had to quit ctf because of the hackers, I just really hate when people use hackers to win mini games now it's just disgusting. The only thing that can fix this issue of people using hackers to win is austin's idea they need to add a rule like a severity 2 ban or a 24/70 hour clear of stats they got in that time but you need proof of them using the hackers.
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