Middle Man Role

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by GmoneySkywalker, May 16, 2020.

  1. GmoneySkywalker

    Sep 21, 2019
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    So I was thinking that it might be cool to have a middle man role to deal with the irl deals that require a middle man. Now I know that the Mods often handle this but they (it says this in the rules) are not obligated to do it and I assume get lots of requests to be a middle man. If we created a middle man role anyone who has that role would be obligated to officiate irl deals between players. Now, of course, they would need to be a trusted person. Anyways let me know your guys' thoughts on this.
  2. creeper7777777

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hello! I don't think this is necessary, since you can also just find a trustworthy player to middleman for an irl deal. You can also easily find a staff member who is willing to be a middleman in the #support chat of the mcc discord, and usually one will respond reasonably quickly. Moderators don't often middleman, since their time is better spent catching hackers, so if you want to find a staff member who is more likely to be the middleman, you should ask helpers first. I don't think making a custom rank just for trustworthy players is needed, since players who are qualified to have a special middleman rank might as well apply to be a helper, and creating a staff sub-team just to be a middleman seems unnecessary, since any staff member can do it. Overall, I'm going to say -0.5 on this, since if you can't find a staff member, you can ask chat for a trustworthy player who doesn't know either person in the deal, and record using OBS (or similar) while you're doing the irl deal.
    Zonafer likes this.
  3. Airpxds

    Aug 25, 2019
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    This is the support forums so you shouldn’t post here unless you need help, But overall I feel this role is unneeded and the staff should stay as the middleman. And how would you get the role? And also irl deals aren’t super common around the server. -1
    forgranted likes this.
  4. EssentialsPlus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    How would this even work? If there would be a system of applying for it, it would defeat the whole purpose of being staff, I wouldn't want to be a player who only had a job to middle man for people, I would want the whole role for it. I don't see how obtaining this role would benefit the server too much. But to give you a real answer to this, the middleman rank on this server is Helper+ and I just think this suggestion is kinda silly as there would be practically no one who would want to waste their time helping others if they aren't even staff.
  5. Firebal676

    Aug 6, 2019
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    If you look at the broad aspect of MC-Central, this kind of role would be completely pointless. There are more than just sub-servers on MC-Central.

    Also, to simply put it, they are not that many in-real-life deals that go on in MC-Central enough to worry about this problem. The staff team should not really have a problem substituting as a middleman.

    However, I would like to put in that the staff team substituting as a middleman should also remain "not obligatory" due to the fact that it's not the staff team's job to make sure that your in-real-life is successful.
    abbzyy likes this.
  6. Cessie2u

    Apr 20, 2020
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    Like many have said, it's a non-essential rank, and I personally think that with all things considered, management needs to focus on the recruitment and retention of staff that they have. While the staff team is great, I feel as if there were some things that management could improve on.

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