MCCentral Survival Old Plots IP

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by leavejakealone, Jul 25, 2019.

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  1. leavejakealone

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey all; so with the new website, I can't seem to find the forum post that had the IP of all the old survival plots from previous resets. I'm almost certain this exists somewhere, but I can't find it literally anywhere lmao.

    Does anyone know or remember the IP? I would love to visit my old plots from previous survival resets.

    (update: i found out that Timppali is the one that made the server, and i've tried the following ips with both .com and .net domains, but none of them are online):

    is there a chance that the server is offline?

    Thank you!
    #1 leavejakealone, Jul 25, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2019
  2. Sinclare

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Timpalli shutdown the MCC Museum server long ago. I'll edit this post with the wall post if I find it with further information. But if @Timppali is interested in reviving the MCC Museum and needs help with hosting, let me know ;) Could be something to think about down the road (maybe not right now cause I have a bit going on aha).

    Edit: Here's Timp's wall post about the museum on Enjin:
    #2 Sinclare, Jul 25, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2019
  3. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    The MCC Museum was closed a while ago, as it took a lot of time to manage. It also cost me quite a bit of money. Unfortunately I don't think that the server will come back any time soon, as I simply don't have time to set it all up and keep it updated, and not enough money to host it.

    Even if the server was open, you can't unfortunately visit your plots. I only have the first few rows of plots which are around the spawns. I don't have the entire plot world, and unfortunately no one else has it either. Those files from the earlier seasons have been deleted. And for the most recent resets, the plots are almost entirely empty, as the files are from the first few days of the seasons.

    I will lock the thread now. It's nice that people remember the server though, it really makes me happy! :D

    - Thread Locked
    leavejakealone and Sinclare like this.
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