MCC terms and conditions

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tristan Tate, Sep 7, 2022.

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  1. Tristan Tate

    Sep 7, 2022
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    Who wrote the mcc terms and conditions? I really need to get their autograph... they somehow managed to make it laugable. congrats!

    My favorite part, for those wondering, would have to be where they use the word "purchase" through their entire page, but then say "By donating to MC-Central Network you are not entitled to any Physical or virtual good, a donation is a donation and not a purchase."

    So hold on, let me get this straight. When I buy coal rank, is it a donation or a purchase? Because if it's a donation, and I'm not entitled to anything, why do you guys list the purchase contents. If its a purchase then why the hell do you call it a donation? This shit is more indicisive than a blonde 16 year old girl tryna decide her sexuality.

    HMU if u need my lawyers to take a second look at this shit @AlexMarkey
    YouGetMeSoHigh likes this.
  2. KillHeroBrine32

    Apr 9, 2020
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    Mate, what are you trying to imply with your post? The terms and conditions are there to protect the server and it's owners, plus you're telling everyone you've read through the whole terms and conditions just to complain about it? What a great use of time...
    LeafyTiger24 likes this.
  3. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    cosplaying as Tristan Tate on fourms (real)
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