MCC Minigame Revival

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by YouGetMeSoHigh, Jul 10, 2024.

  1. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    I was very active in the MCC minigames community in around 2020-2021, most of you would know me under the IGN of YouGetMeSoHigh.

    I think I can speak for many of us that were present during that time that minigames were a lot of fun and will be greatly missed.

    Luckily, the Imagine guild has been working on an entirely new minigames server similar to MCC. This server is not meant to be an exact replica of MCC, but rather capture the essence of and provide a similar feel for OG MCC minigames.

    The server is fully released and open to the public. Right now only Skywars is out, with more minigames (such as murder mayhem) planned to release in the coming weeks.

    I don’t want to break advertising rules, so please message me if interested in the server IP and I will provide it. We also have a dedicated Discord server as well.

    I am not trying to advertise or take away from MCC’s playerbase. This new server was made exclusively by people from the OG MCC minigames community who really miss the feel and gameplay from those times. Right now, the only members in our community are pretty much people who used to play MCC minigames before revamp, but anyone is welcome to join. I will say everyone is pretty active on the Discord and it’s been really cool reconnecting with people I knew in 2020-2021.

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