MCC Anti-Cheat

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TurtleSoup123, Sep 24, 2019.

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  1. TurtleSoup123

    Jul 31, 2019
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    Now this isn’t a normal complaint about hackers. It’s actually not at all. It’s almost the opposite! Witht the anti cheat working so well I’m finding it hard to find hackers, there for I think that the requirement for report tickets should be moved down 5-10. If the anti cheat fails then it can be moved back up but right now I’m finding it really hard to find hackers. I know a lot of people won’t agree with this but I just thought I would share my thoughts!!

    - Thanks as always
    Your friend,

  2. Smashhhh

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Ive found 3 hackers in the last 5 minutes alone. Not counting the dozens that I've seen in the last hour of playing.

    The purpose of having a certain amount of reports (preferably accepted ones) is to show the work ethic of applicants, not to mention help the community by getting some of these hackers "off the street". So I highly doubt the amount will be lowered any time soon.

    If you are having trouble finding hackers to record and report, I suggest trying different time zones. For instance right now is 5:30 EDT and there are many because it is right after school hours.

    Hope this helps, however I doubt the requirement will change... ;/

  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hiHi. i have to agree the anticheat has jmproved, but it's still kinda whacked out. yes, hackers aren't as common as they were weeks ago, but there's still a ton in almost every other game and the antichea still kicks for high cps in arena. as mentioned above, certain time periods/waves of time is the hotspot for hackers. aussie time/2am PDT, is kinda rough since there's only, like, 1 or 2 hackers..
    but if you sweat the game enough, you'll see a lot of hackers...

    sorry for kinda not helping.... anwyas
    havea great dayayya
  4. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Well, it's actually real true that the anti cheat has changed much and has improved x10 but the requirements in my opinion should either stay the same or even be bumped up to 75 or 100. My reason for this is that while if the requirements were 5 to 10 accepted reports, players going for staff might not even focus on those meaning that they will do 5-10 reports, get them accepted and not report players anymore. I'm at almost 200 accepted reports and i'm still going even though the requirement is 50.
    Plus, reports arent just for hackers. It can be for a chatreport that got denied and the player took a screenshot of whatnot, an innapropriate plot/skin etc etc.

    -1 For me

    Have a gud day:D

    puposaurus likes this.
  5. TurtleSoup123

    Jul 31, 2019
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    So it’s not that I want 5 reports it’s 5 LESS. I just feel that hackers are now very hard to come by. Anyway, thanks for the advice!

  6. FFandF

    Aug 28, 2019
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    Hello! I know they are working on the anticheat and it is getting a little bit better... but it still needs some serious work. I am very happy for you that you have not been seeing many hackers! For the rest of us though, I am seeing hackers every other game if not, every game. Have a wonderful day!
  7. JustBeChill

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I agree with the anticheat being improved. Every time a hacker uses a hack, it kicks them to the lobby for client
    modifications. I still see 1 or 2 hackers every 1-3 games and I still think we should still report them because
    (and I said this before) they will eventually be tired of being banned and getting new accounts. Soon they will get bored and they will quit and move on to different servers, therefore lowers the hacker population. Also, it doesn't ban them on its own,
    a staff member has to manually ban them. Thank you and have a wonderful day!​
  8. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey TurtleSoup123,

    Glad to see that you are not running into as many hackers!
    The reports requirement will not (currently) be lowered, even if the anti-cheat becomes even better.
    Hackers still bypass our systems with their new and improved hacks - its inevitable, really.

    As others have stated, and as I will re-state, the point of having multiple reports its to show your commitment to the server.
    If there was less reports, people would record their reports and do their form posts in literally 1 day; which really doesn't show any commitment to MCC.

    Becoming staff is something that should take weeks, not days. The requirements are set-up to make this take time.
    Keep at it, and eventually you'll get the requirements!

    I'm going to lock the thread now, as its getting a bit spammy.
    FFandF and JustBeChill like this.
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