To boost our happiness and reduce our Boredom, I thought that the MCC staff should hold a MC Central drawing competition, for a new Logo post. This would be a terrific idea, as it get us to use our imagination and makes us Wanna get crafty and do some hands on work. It would be truly amazing to see this occurring. We could increase engagement through adding buycraft or a special keys!!
Fun fact, there is an actual drawing contest going on right now. If you go into the notif assign channel of the discord, you can get notified for whenever events take place and a lot of events do take place every month. If you have an idea you can submit a ticket here, and maybe they might do the event. And to answer the request you had, I already did. There is a drawing contest going on. The theme and forum is in the events channel :)
mcc’s logo is sexy as it is, i don’t think some 3 or 4 submissions for an event could out sexy it’s sexiness. mcc has done drawing competitions in the past, and tbh they end up being a dud. not that the art is bad, but it feels that it’s not much of a competition when it’s very few people who submit their art and seem serious and not submit it as a joke/submit a traced drawing or something that wouldn’t be a logo for mcc (ex: if someone were to just submit a clown emoji, if this is a real event, i’m doing that. you heard it here folks don’t steal my ideas now :pleading:).. anyways... as stated above, nikki is hosting a drawing competition. and you can submit tickets for ideas like this one or whatever, but tickets kinda silly looking imo. but again, anyawyays. no thanqu mcc’s logo is sexc you can’t out pizza the hut, you can’t out sexc the mcc. also, holy shit chicken soup is the bomb. gn.