Major Content Ideas for the future

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by Unadvised, Nov 29, 2020.

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  1. Lewklo

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Idea one: Pets
    I love this idea!! Would they be accessible from a simple command opening a GUI allowing you to choose between which one you want sort of like /jobs in survival? I feel like allowing you to switch between each pet for whatever purpose benefitting you, may become a little unbalanced, however starting all pets at a really low level, allowing them to be levelled up over time - such as farming a certain amount of blocks levels the pet up and creates a slight more boost would level it out.
    Or maybe there's just one pet, that you can't access, change or sell. That has all these ideas bunched into one that automatically upgrades it's boost how oftenly you complete these tasks such as farming, pvping & doing quests.
    I'd love if these pets were customisable too! allowing you to rename it, and design how it looks - maybe with the command /ast.
    I feel like this idea in general is really cool, but it's not so well thought through. My favourite idea is the disco pet though!! - I don't see why everyones disagreeing with this one! Theres always time for a little fun with friends! +0.5

    Idea two: Further Island Customisation
    Enabling pvp, and removing fly would be a really nice addition. Creating fair parkour challenges and possibly PvP contests! This would spice things up with new games and fun that people come up with within their island. +1
    I feel like adding the choice with changing the whether is basically pointless but why not, I guess it would add to your theme if you were doing snow and such +1

    Idea three: Quest Overhaul
    Yessss! Some of the quests are really out of sort such as enchanting gold armour like??
    who really wants to do that, especially just for 5k when it probably costs more to obtain the XP and the gold. Adding more challenging quests with some you mentioned would be more intriguing for players - such as killing players, mining blocks, placing blocks, opening envoys, opening vote keys & more! +1
    Adding higher rewards for Weekly, and monthly quests (not so much daily) would certainly encourage more players to do their quests and they would actually be able to see an increase in their balance. +1

    Idea Four: 1.17
    I'm all for having creative and survival in 1.12 but Skyblock in 1.17?? I love skyblock in 1.8 as it is perfect for it currently and I'm sure most people would agree. Updating it would make sense and be cool aspect for awhile but most players play in 1.8 so it wouldn't support them and higher versions aren't so good to PvP with. I don't think I've played a Skyblock as good as MCC, so changing the version would potentially ruin that and ruin the fun for most players. -1

    Idea Five: Change how island top is calculated
    I personally don't agree with this. Skyblocks always based upon the value of blocks, and I feel like if this were added, it may come across as confusing and unbalanced. Although it would give a wide opportunity for anyone to reach the top, I'd personally find it confusing. -1
  2. Lewklo

    Jul 22, 2019
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    It totally defeats the purpose of a mute, and still allows you to talk to your teammates in-game and players that come to your island which should not be permitted if you have been muted. Removing chat access all together is what makes the rule very harsh and stops players from committing chat offences. Some players may not purely "care" if they're muted if they can simply talk in island chat. Just make a group chat on discord with all your island members and talk there instead :)
  3. BabyJuice

    Jan 22, 2020
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    but then why is it that they can talk in team chat on factions
  4. SquiggyAmy

    Jul 10, 2020
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    Add in dog and cat eggs to allow players to have pets. This would help eliminate the issue with rename scrolls since they are often unused. They can be sold in the Skyblock store or have them as prizes in envoys or vote key chests. They do not have to serve a purpose like another idea on here listed, but I think allowing players to have pets would be beneficial.
  5. MrStAtman80

    Oct 11, 2019
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    What if the pets could be the new Chunk loader as like in real life pet stay at home mainly.

    So we buy a pet from in game for in game money, so do pet store
    And to upgrade it they must do certain tasks first

    And then the top tier is a chunk loader
  6. SplatBerry

    Sep 8, 2019
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    You know it’s good when Alex replies. I like the never sb versión idea. Although I will always want one original one. Great ideas!
    SplatShop likes this.
  7. xpuma1x

    Jul 23, 2019
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    im against adding of pets. Why did i freaking bought Pocketpalls years ago for in gods sake?

    This one is not happy about it:

    Unadvised likes this.
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