Magic Wars

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by JoaoOssucci, May 22, 2020.

  1. JoaoOssucci

    Apr 24, 2020
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    I was thinking about this idea, so I decided to search on google and youtube to get some references, however I didn't find much related, but the channel that most caught my attention was TheAtlanticCraft, with the Wizard mod ...

    I also didn't find a minecraft server that had something similar, so I decided to suggest it here ... Magic Wars, a Skywars-style minigame, but with a lot more magic, potions and spells involved. The idea seems to be innovative/new, so I decided to share it here with you.

    Players would be born on their respective islands, and would have a chest for each island, and would also have chests on the middle island ... And the goal is whoever stays alive wins. But the main idea is that in the chest there are magic things, like some potions, magic tools, for example a stick that throws a snowball and freezes the other player for 5 seconds, if hit, and then slow him down for 15 seconds , for example, or an axe that casts lightning bolts, or an blaze rod that casts a fireball, or also a clock that stops other players' time for 5 seconds, and has 1 minute of cooldown ... They could also be armor added to the chests, such as a boot that gives speed, or an invisibility chestplate ... In addition, arrows with potion effects could also be used ... For the spells, there could be a magic book in one of the middle chests, and on the islands, just a sheet / page of a spell; and as examples of spells, they could be: A spell that generates a force field as protection around the player, a teleportation spell to another player's island, etc ... And the spells would be activated from their writing on chat, while the player holds the sheet/page with the spell in hand.

    Now as a suggestion for maps, they could be maps that refer to magic, like a castle, or a dungeon, for example.

    Please leave your comment below, if you liked the idea or not, and your suggestions! Thank you very much, and have a great day!


    Estava pensando nessa ideia, então resolvi procurar no google e no youtube para pegar algumas referências, entretanto não encontrei muita coisa relacionada, mas o canal que mais chamou minha atenção foi o do TheAtlanticCraft, com o mod Wizard...

    Também não encontrei um servidor de minecraft que tivesse algo parecido, então decidi sugerir aqui... Magic Wars, um minigame no estilo do Skywars, porém com muito mais magia, poções e feitiços envolvidos. A ideia parece ser inovadora, então resolvi compartilhar aqui com vocês.

    Os jogadores nasceriam em suas respectivas ilhas, e teriam um baú para cada ilha, e também teria baús na ilha do meio... E o objetivo é quem permanecer vivo ganha. Mas a ideia principal é que no baú tenham coisas mágicas, como algumas poções, ferramentas mágicas, por exemplo um graveto que lance uma bolinha de neve e congele o outro jogador por 5 segundos, se acertado, e depois dê a ele lentidão durante 15 segundos, por exemplo, ou um machado que lance raios, ou ainda uma vara incandescente que lance uma bola de fogo, ou também um relógio que pare o tempo dos outros jogadores por 5 segundos, e tenha 1 minuto de cooldown... Também poderiam ser adicionadas armaduras aos baús, como uma bota que dá velocidade, ou um peitoral de invisibilidade... Além disso, também poderiam ser feito o uso das flechas com efeitos de poções... Quanto aos feitiços, poderia ter um livro mágico em um dos baús do meio, e nas ilhas, apenas uma folha/página de um feitiço; e como exemplos de feitiços, poderiam ser: Um feitiço que gera um campo de força como proteção ao redor do jogador, um feitiço de teletransporte para a ilha de outro jogador, etc... E os feitiços seriam ativados a partir da escrita deles no chat, enquanto o jogador segura a folha com o feitiço na mão.

    Agora como sugestão de mapas, poderiam ser mapas que remetem à magia, como um castelo, ou uma masmorra, por exemplo.

    Por favor, deixe seu comentário aqui embaixo, se você gostou ou não da ideia, e suas sugestões! Muito obrigado, e tenham um ótimo dia!
  2. mxbel

    Jul 30, 2019
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    The main issue with this suggestion would be originality - a lot of other servers definitely have this type of minigame, and while it's okay to share an idea with other servers, I feel that it would give off the wrong message. However, if this idea were to be developed more so that it has a more original and MCC feel, I would be +1. What I mean by developing more is giving specifics of how you want the game to work, specific 'wizard' theme weapons, abilities you want to see, how long the game lasts, what the objective of the game is and what's the best way to achieve that. In addition, I believe that MCC has more things to work on as of right now such as a new anticheat and resolving current minigame issues then making a whole new minigame, so this might not be the best time to attempt to add this in.

    Have a good day :)
    JoaoOssucci, Issel and Mxats like this.
  3. Mxats

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Hello there!
    I think this is a cool something however it's very much alike skywars. I don't think we need new minigames atm but especially new maps and stuff in current minigames. This might be fun as a temporary minigame but as I think that if they add a permanent one they should add something unique. I've also seen something with wands and magic sticks etc. before the only diffrence was that they came out of lucky blocks. So for me might be fun but not for ever, -1.
    Best regards,
    Mats :)
    JoaoOssucci and Issel like this.
  4. FourNut

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I like the idea, but currently I do not see there needing another mini-game within the mini-game world. I do not see this being a permanent thing for there is no need for another Skywars remake for the only popular Skywars mode is Solos (only by numbers for Solo Skwyars has around 900+ players, while Team only has around 50-100.) Adding this could be fun, but eventually it would die off and it wouldn't be worthwhile in the long run.

    Have a nice day!

    JoaoOssucci likes this.

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