Lowering the staff requirements

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Trainsgender, Jul 26, 2022.

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  1. Trainsgender

    Oct 7, 2020
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    Hi all,

    Small idea I'd like to hear people's opinion on. Given the size of the current staff team, I believe the server could benefit from some more staff members. It could be an idea to lower the requirements in order to give more people a chance to apply. Two ideas:
    • Remove the requirement for 50 accepted reports, or make it a lower number. If you haven't been playing on MCC for a long time (e.g. you only joined in 2021), and don't play prison or kitpvp, it is way too hard to get 50 reports. I've been playing survival, skyblock and minigames and don't even have 20, while I report every offence I encounter. The reason is of course the smaller playerbase compared to 2018 and before, and the fact that there's less hackers than before.
    • Allow people who only main one subserver to apply. I'm not sure if there is still a requirement of being active on at least two subservers, but this would make little sense since most subservers are pretty dead. I don't see how a staff member maining one gamemode would not be beneficial to the server.
    These are just some ideas that crossed my mind. I believe it's important to judge everyone who applies individually, but honestly requirements like "50 accepted reports" or "20 forums posts" make little sense given the size of the current playerbase and the declining amount of hackers on some subservers.
    bratphobic and Issel like this.
  2. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hiya ExUnitateVires,

    I truly love seeing threads such as these, because not only does it allow us to see the community's view on things, but it also gives us a chance to explain the "staff side" of things. Bare in mind, my opinion is just my own and does not represent the opinions of the staff team as a whole.

    I personally disagree with lowering the staff requirements *to an extent*. While 50 forum reports may seem difficult, after a quick glance at current report stats, it takes players on average 3 to 5 weeks to meet this requirement. Forum reports are not limited to cheating, and can include gameplay and chat offences as well. The purpose of this requirements is essentially two things:

    1. It offers the application team a better idea of your understanding and knowledge of the rules.
    2. It shows that you are commited to becoming staff, and it is something you are genuinely interested in, meaning you are more likely to excel as a staff member.

    The forum report requirement has already been lowered from the previous 100, to a mere 50. That being said, seeing as how the playerbase on MCC has declined, I wouldn't be outright opposed to seeing it lowered to 35-40. We also no longer require players have 20 forum posts, but it's never a bad idea to participate in some conversations and threads either.

    Hopefully this clears things up and offers a bit more insight. Have a great day/night! =)
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