Looking for pvp gang

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by HH_Captain, Jan 31, 2020.

  1. HH_Captain

    Dec 6, 2019
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    Hi there guys I was wondering whether I could join a pvp gang with 4 one more members already in it. I am a good pvper and want to join a gang that can pvp and help me in the prison pvp arena. I am quite active and grind a lot at the start of seasons.

    Thanks, HH_Captain
  2. Vunrable

    Dec 16, 2019
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    Hey I haven't played prison in a while properly but I'm not sure this is the best place to find a gang. I think joining other servers at the moment and asking if people are going to play prison, and then asking them personally to join is a good idea. I have seen a couple of people come on skyblock and advertise their gang today so possibly start there?
    I believe I am going to main prison this season so I hope to see you there.

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