Kits - [Prisons]

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by iTrypt, May 17, 2021.

  1. iTrypt

    Nov 23, 2019
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    Hello, people of the MCC Forums!

    I just had a very simple suggestion regarding the Ranked Kits on the Prison Realms. I personally believe that in addition to the current items within a kit, a banknote should be added depending on the rank. Most people dismiss this idea due to the higher donators have access to all the kits below them. But instead of having an enormous amount of banknote, each one has an increased gradual amount, for example, the Immortal Donator Rank would receive 100-200k at best. and from there the prices can be set accordingly. But one thing to keep in mind is that at the start of each season each rank has a "boost" in a sense.

    Please do let me know your thoughts about this idea, whether they are positive or negative.
    SplatBerry likes this.
  2. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    Hey bro here's my opinion!

    I think your idea is good! Although I disagree with adding it and will provide a detailed explanation as to why I think that :)

    I'm almost positive that the idea has crossed their minds before however something stopped them. My guess to appeal to the EULA set by Mojang, almost the same situation with how from now on factions will no longer have a payout to the winners.

    I'll quote one of the devs (@KierenBoal) from a post
    here; "you get enough perks for your rank. Idk why everyone keeps requesting to retrofit more and more stuff into ranks, especially when everyone complains about p2w" followed by "suggesting "We will pay money!", does not mean we are going to jump in and implement something silly" (not to say that your idea is silly in the slightest as I think it could ease some people into the subserver)

    I also think that banknotes were intentionally not added, to add to the grind to reach the top in prison, the multiple different sources of income (mining, selling items (auction/shops), spawners, selling robot gems) from a dev standpoint, I'd say that there's enough ways to earn money, and by giving people who spent money on the game a metaphorical golden ticket might increase the standpoint people have on P2W, regardless of the number given on the banknote, there will always be someone that will complain about the P2W aspect.

    As for the tweaking, if people do decide this is something that they want added. I think it could be adjusted to something more subtle, something someone joining the server for the first time could use to have a tiny boost, maybe $5-10k at best (spitballing so feel free to debate this number). In my eyes, the perfect system for this would be giving this $5-10k boost to all donators, rather than just the highest rank because then everyone is in the same boat.

    Maybe as an alternative to this; a "double XP/money" event could be added at the start of the new season, satisfying both players who are donators and who aren't, fulfilling your "boost" theory and staying EULA friendly! This could also bring in more players which benefits everyone too!

    Overall I am gonna be a
    -1 on this one, just because the direction of the server; it's heading to less of a P2W aspect and more of a EULA-friendly one, by adding this people will become normalized to the P2W aspects once again, potentially leading the server back to P2W. I still think your idea is thought provoking and a good one tho @iTrypt and I'm curious as to what others think!

    Have a good one! :)
    SplatBerry and kuieren like this.
  3. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    You're probably going to be told this anyways but the amount of perks you have access to as a donator is a lot. This seems very un-necessary in my opinion. This may also be seen as selling in-game money for irl money which, i could be wrong here, i think might be against the eula. Also its possible to get the /kit money perk so i dont see this being necessary.

    **Edit, Kit money is only 100k so your recommendation kind of is a bit over board ;-;
    #3 abbs, May 17, 2021
    Last edited: May 17, 2021
  4. iTrypt

    Nov 23, 2019
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    Now that I read this, I now disagree with my own suggestion, you make a lot of very valid points which I respect and agree with. So thanks for your input as it is a great one. Have a great day!
    Elecctricc likes this.
  5. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    Hello, Since they are working on EULA, and the amount of perks they already have like abbs said, this wouldn't be practical as this would add more p2w then less. they are trying to find suggestions that would reduce the amount of p2w, also try to put your stuff in different colors, it's hard to see blue
    abbs likes this.

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