KitPvP Season 10 Ideas

Discussion in 'KitPvP General Discussion' started by InsaneIsMyName, Jun 27, 2021.

  1. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    KitPvP Season 10 Ideas/Suggestions

    I have mained kitpvp for 2 seasons now, and initially started playing during season 7. I'd be lying if I said I was particularly good at pvping, but I have been playing for a while and listening to suggestions all the while. So, without further ado, here are some of my suggestions for season 10 of kitpvp. Please note: my suggestion thread won't be as aesthetically pleasing as other staff members threads, kudos to them.

    We've all come to know the starter kit as golden armour, a diamond axe, a bow, some arrows and a singular health potion. I believe both donators and rookies alike would benefit in a completely reworked starter kit. Ideally, I believe the starter kit should be comprised of protection 3 diamond armour with fire prot II (currently immortal armour), a sharp IV sword, a power IV bow, 5-10 regs and 3 HPs.

    Change the hourly kit to the same as bedrock kit. For those that regularly play kit, you know that kit bedrock can be used to make p4 armour. I believe that a way to ensure rookies have equal chances of climbing the ranks on kitpvp, is by allowing them the opportunity to make p4 armour without having to purchase books from the shop.

    These potions can be found in the /shop at $3 each. This price, quite frankly, makes purchasing hps from the shop simply unfeasible for most. I believe the price of these potions should be reduced to $2 each. This reduction may not seem extreme, but it allows for there to be a player market for them (auction house) as well as allow a visually appealing price tag for those with the 25% off perk.

    The introduction of a new perk has not been seen in a while to my knowledge. This perk would be found in ancient keys, and could be used to receive a full inventory (36) health potions per day.

    As of right now, players are limited to using their enderchest, or their private chests to house health potions. These backpacks would work similarly to the backpacks from prison, but would be used solely for health potions. While mining backpacks from prison are fairly expensive items, I believe the "hp backpacks" should be easy attainable from vote keys. The reason for this is that I believe it would be beneficial that these items be kept on the person while in combat, resulting in them being lost quite easily. At most I believe these backpacks should carry 18 to 27 additional health pots.

    As proposed above, rookies would essentially be getting the same kits that legend and immortal rank players are getting. This suggestion may be controversial, as it would seriously impact a current form of income for many, but I believe punch 1 bows should be introduced to BOTH of these rank kits. As the season slows down, the amount of punch bows in circulation declines severely. I believe this suggestion would not only fix that issue, but also ensure that donators aren't losing all of their benefits.

    Add protection 4 book to the voting rewards, as well as regs. As of right now, there is no real way for rookies to obtain regs. Modifying the voting key reward to include 8 regs as a reward would be phenomenal in my opinion.

    I'd love to hear if anyone agrees/disagrees with these suggestions, or please feel free to reply to this thread with your own suggestions!
    jemelina, nonRacist, luvbri and 3 others like this.
  2. Z3r0

    Apr 7, 2021
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    damn u nailed it, exactly what kitpvp needs, 100% agree and this should be added asap. thank u insaneismyname finally someone who actually agrees and realize what the issue is.
    InsaneIsMyName likes this.
  3. TurtleSoup123

    Jul 31, 2019
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    Hey Andria!

    While I dont play much kit either I have played a bit here and there and this past season I did grind it for a bit. I think most of these points are going in the right direction and I definitely agree that the starter kit should be buffed. It shouldn’t be extreme though. It’s heavily unfair for rookies who join for the first time to kill anybody. I think it should be a lot more balanced, so they have a chance. I still believe that higher ranks should have better rewards than rookies, but I think it should be a bit more balanced, as you’ve said. However, I have talked with multiple legend and immortal players about why they farm “goldies” and I’ve found out that it’s part of their “eco”. I feel like taking this away is actually good. Here’s why.

    For starters, rookies with better armor and items mean that they have a much greater chance and might actually want to try. But for some, they like it how it is because it’s the easy way out to get crazy stats and impress their friends. With a balanced field, it will be harder to gain levels and kills.

    As for the keys, I think that you are spot on. I like the way you think about balancing things out, which in my opinion would be great.

    As for the backpacks, I’m not sure I agree. I like the idea of having more slots but to add a backpack like in prison would be difficult. Again, I could see rookies loving an addition like this but some higher tiered players might oppose that and keep storing them how they are storing them, and people USUALLY have enough.

    Love the idea of changing the hourly kit, and a new perk, those ideas are very nice :)

    Lastly, I would like to point out something. This is for my rookies out there. Even if you’re in gold armor, you still have a chance. Rookies can succeed anywhere on the network and be great and nice people :)

    have a good day and awesome suggestions!

  4. LeafyTiger24

    Mar 18, 2020
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    These ideas are really good, especially the health pot perk and buffing the rookie kit. Only thing I'd say tho is what u mentioned for the rookie kit would be a bit too op imo, but i love everything else and hopefully they'll get added.
    InsaneIsMyName likes this.
  5. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hiya LeafyTiger24, I can definitely understand why the kit I proposed would come off as overpowered considering what it currently is comprised of. That being said, the reason I suggested the kit that I did is due to the fact that P3 would prevent rookies from getting 1 tapped, while allowing them the opportunity to actually fight. It would still be easy for p4/p5 players to "rookie grind", but rookies in p3 would stand a better chance against players in p4, and then eventually p5. The addition of fire prot II ensures that rookies can't spam the starter kit and combine it to make p4. In terms of the other items I suggested, they admittedly don't make much of a difference in ensuring the survival of rookies unless they genuinely know how to pvp.
    BlockyBeach and LeafyTiger24 like this.
  6. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I think backpacks could go either way, they could be a good addition or bad. Many high tiered players prefer keeping their extra sets in easily accessible chests (ie: their private chests). The addition of an hp backpack would not only allow players to keep additional hps on them, but also allow them far more free spaces in their private chests. It would also provide a convenient way to store health potions within the clan chest, without allocating all available space to hps.
    TurtleSoup123 and BlockyBeach like this.

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