KitPVP Scam (understandingg)

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by VDollars, Aug 10, 2020.

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  1. VDollars

    Aug 10, 2020
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    Hey there! With no clue what else to do about it, I've come here... I'm not even sure if there is much I can do about it now, but id like to try anyway. In a recent trade between me, VDollars (IGN), and understandingg (IGN) I was told I would receive much more payment tomorrow... Unfortunately, I'm a trusting person and was led to believe this would actually happen because of the very sound story he came up with. The transaction details were as follows;

    I would trade him

    Diamond Boots with full p5 hf2 gset.

    He would trade me

    A decent amount of p4 and s5, and 10 more sets when he was able to acquire them.

    I am muted, so this has made it VERY hard to gather sound evidence against him but at least I have something. (Attachment below [ATTACHMENT WAS TOO LARGE, IF THERE IS ANYTHING THAT CAN TRULY BE DONE, I WILL EMAIL OR USE DISCORD TO SEND PHOTOS, picture of another excuse for not having what he claimed he would) This has been going on for almost 48 hours now.

    If there's anything that can be done I will be ecstatic, but if not I understand too.

  2. TeddyOreo

    Aug 2, 2019
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    Hey VDollars,

    In your situation it would be best to gather as much evidence as possible and create a forum report. Evidence can be a video of any trades going through or FULL screenshots of chat. Unfortunately without sufficient evidence of scamming, nothing can can be done.
  3. Mauricioh

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Please make a Forum Report, as TeddyOreo said, and it will be dealt with accordingly!
    Make sure to create another thread if you have any other questions, as I will be locking this thread. :)

    Question Answered | Thread Locked
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