/kit token

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by 4151, Apr 15, 2020.

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  1. 4151

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi there!
    Now there are so many kits well the donator kits, kit axe, pickaxe and money but there isnt token. Personally i think we should have kit token because why not! How many tokens? I think there should be 10-20 tokens in the kit and should be recieved daily. How should you get it? To get kit token you can get one from ancient or mythical crates.
    Thanks for reading this!
    Have a lovely day or night
    ---==Smoked Immortal==---
  2. TeddyOreo

    Aug 2, 2019
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    Hey Smoked_,

    Personally I think this idea is pretty good but will need some work if actually implemented into the game. There are many upgrades to help increase token chances such as Token Luck on armor and Token Detector on upgradeable pickaxes. For this kind of kit, I don't think it would be worth they key price ($2.50 or $5) as 10-20 tokens daily isn't really that much. Most people can earn up to 50 tokens within an hour of mining. Will the token amount increase as the player prestiges?

    I like the idea, but it could use some work/expanding.
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