Kit Rebalancing

Discussion in 'KitPvP General Discussion' started by PumahKITPVP, Apr 23, 2020.

  1. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Kit Rookie - Full chain (Iron chestplate) iron sword, power 1 infitt 1 bow, strength and speed splash, 1 hp
    Kit coal - Same as rookie, but with Prot 1 and sharp 1, power 2 on bow., golden Apple
    Kit iron- same as coal, but Prot II, sharp II, power II flame, a golden apple
    Kit gold- Full iron, Prot II, sharp II Fire II diamond sword, power 3 flame 1, 2 golden apples
    Kit lapis- Middle pieces diamond, other pieces iron. Prot II, dis sword sharp III, Fire II, bow power III flame I ub3, 3 golden apples
    Kit emerald- Full Prot II diamond, sharp III Fire II sword, power 4 films 1 Unbreaking3 ofc with Infinity. 3 golden apples, 2 hps
    Kit diamond- Same as emerald but middle pieces of diamond armor Prot 3, 5 golden apples and 3 hps
    Kit bedrock- Full Prot 3, sharp 3, power 4, etc. 5 golden apples 4 hps
    Kit legend - full Prot 3 , sharp 4 fire 2, power 4 etc, 6 gold apples, god apple, 6 hps
    Kit immortal- Full Prot 3 ub2, sharp 4, power 5, 6 golden apples, god apple, 6 hps
  2. W5vil

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Although I don't play kit that much, I really do agree with this. I think that right now, rookies that have just started playing kit don't have that much fun getting 2 shot by people with mediocre gear. I really feel like kit rookie should be buffed so that they might have an even larger change to get away and fight another day. Taking this into account, I really don't think that this will change much in the way of gameplay for kitpvp. The stacked overpower people will still farm kills off rookies with no diamond gear, and an occasional fight with a person as stacked as them, and the half-decent people will fight each other with their prot 2-3 diamond armour. Kit will always be unbalanced just like any observer, but maybe giving rookies better gear could help them enjoy the subserve more in the long run.

    Have a good day!
    mxbel likes this.
  3. Informing

    Feb 21, 2020
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    kits are *** either way.
  4. Modify

    Apr 20, 2020
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    Kitpvp will always be unbalanced, it's just the nature of the gamemode. Rookies will always have a considerable disadvantage. I don't think there's really a solution for this and I don't think a rebalance will fundamentally change this precept.
    Conscience likes this.
  5. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I am well aware the kits are bad, this thread is more so that people can rookie farm, as of right now every rookie quits within an hour of playing. If they got 3 or 4 shorted instead of 2 shorted, they would play for longer
  6. FourNut

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I agree with @W5vil on this! I really do not enjoy being targeted because I do not have very good amour and people with crazy amount of gear absolutely decimate everyone else. Even though I am an Immortal rank, I still get destroyed when I equip my immortal armor, and then I try to equip all the other sets and I get absolutely destroyed. From there on out I am only with gold armor and every time I jump down, I get targeted by the OP players for easy kills. Although this is unfair, I do not see a change to it and we might just have to deal with it for a little bit. If we give Rookies+ a little bit better armor It won’t be as unfair, and people won’t just quit in 30 minutes.

    Have a nice day!

  7. AdrienleSmelly

    Apr 24, 2020
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    Rookie's should definitely be given better armor to at least be able to have a fighting chance, right now it is pretty pitiful for them jumping down and dying in 1 second. Maybe 2 seconds if they are REALLY lucky. That being said just because of the nature of how Kit PVP is actually set up, you are never going to actually have rookie's that will be able to compete or get like any kills at all. If they get some better gear maybe they will stay longer, but the problem with them being targeted for easy kills and deleted in half a second I don't think actually has any real solution other than fundamentally changing how KitPVP works.

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