Karaoke Event for each timezone

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by JakeOnPc, Jan 13, 2020.

  1. JakeOnPc

    Jul 22, 2019
    Likes Received:
    What's poppin,

    I feel like the 1 Karaoke event that happens each month always tends to be in prime NA time, early morning AU time and very late at night EU time. I feel this isn't fair as we EU's have beautiful voices and would also like a chance to sing, however, due to it being late (the last one being at 2 am for GMT) we don't really get a chance. To fix this may I suggest having 3 karaoke events spaced out during the month for each timezone. In addition to this putting the time they are going to happen on the event calendar would be helpful as I always sit around during the day it's on waiting to hear what time it will happen.​
    Chilo_ and puposaurus like this.
  2. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I feel like maybe 2 should be a month as an AU member usually I can make them all but I understand people who can't. Never the less I feel it would be better if they could just make it more even for all timezones. I feel like 3 a month might be too often but if we have 2 at like either NA/AU or like NA/EU or EU/AU time that means every would be able to fit in if they can't make the first timezone.

    Still not sure about having more each month but considering the points you raised this seems like a fair solution.
    Have a Nice Day
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    i full on +1 this idea as even the na time isn’t always the most convenient for everyone. i agree that most eus have wonderful sexy voices but.. they banned from mcc discord so doesn’t so much apply for that reason for me.
    anwyays overall, i think giving more info on the calendars or even the day before would be very helpful for people and possibly multiple ones like the did once in the day.

    overall +1 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. Personalisation

    Aug 7, 2019
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    I also would to see like this suggestion being implemented, not that I really care or would like to participate but for the people who are not able to join the karaoke events due to inconvenient time sets, it would be handy thing and thus an advantage. Personally, I'm always able to join events such as karaoke events (I'm from Belgium, Central European Timezone), but I'm just not interested in those kinds of events. So to make a conclusion: I would suggest the organizers of the event to host the karaoke event (and other events) at, for example, one day a month but at different times so that the event will be hosted once a month, but with the advantage that more people will be able to participate at different times that day.

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