Inventory Editor?

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by FalseReports, Jan 18, 2020.


Should we have a choice to setup our inventory for minigames?

Poll closed Jan 25, 2020.
  1. Yes

  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  1. FalseReports

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I been coming back and fourth to this server and I noticed an issue when it comes to playing mini gameson MCC. This issue is nothing huge or game breaking but it deals with our inventories and it's more annoyin epending on what rank you are and how you are used to playing. I was once just a IRON donator on MCC and I could play Team Skywars and rush middle without a problem but over the years of playing MCC I am now a level 940 Bedrock and now I gotta move multiple things in my inventory. I just wish if we buy all the perks/kits and are a donor or non-donator that we can have a choice to pre-set our inventory so when we open the chest in Skywars or Survival Games for example then we won't sit there at spawn for a good solid 2 minute just messing with our inventory.




    I just wanna say that this idea would honestly make minigames a lot more fun and a lot more fast paste, If you go from IRON -> Bedrock for example like fixing your inventory in Skywars is just a big pain and a whole mess. I just wish MCC could kind of setup a setting in the Skywars lobby where we could configure our inventory and that they could make a new waiting room so the hackers can't fly out and mess with the loot. I will say people might come by here and try to say I am complaining and I am honestly complete trash and I should just deal with it but just look below then try to say I am complaining or just complete trash, I just want a system in mini games which will make them fast paste and a lot easier..

    - Falsereports/Austin :imp:
    #1 FalseReports, Jan 18, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2020
    B_Man05 and puposaurus like this.
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello hello! i think this is a great idea as i agree that the shit from the lord n’ such is nice but you don’t always necessarily need it in your hotbar like the pickaxe and axe and aaron’s n’ such.
    i think having the option to preset your inventory or whatever like in arena pvp would be a great idea! i think maybe when minigames has this said “revamp” this would be a great thing to add to the list.

    anwyayss i’m +1 thanks for taking time to create this post and have a great day! and weba back to mcc :)
    FalseReports likes this.
  3. W5vil

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I think that this should be in the game for sure. Personally for me, at the start of a skywars game, it takes a hot minute for my inv to be ready to fight somebody with all the kits I have and some the chest items. One thing that I would like to see being added is removing some of the useless items from the spawn chests at your home island. Like seriously, what is the point of being given 1 string, or 1 flint. Personally I never waste time at my island crafting stuff, I just go right into the fight.
    Have a good day!
    FalseReports likes this.
  4. Montilou

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I fully agree with you on this one. If there is a minigames reset anytime soon, and skywars adds new kits, having even more items to organize would be very annoying. This would definitely improve the minigames experience, and would help to keep skywars fast-paced. Great idea, I love it!

    Have a nice day!
    FalseReports likes this.
  5. Personalisation

    Aug 7, 2019
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    The same applies to me: it's definitely annoying to organize your inventory for an entire minute in for example Skywars. Although it's not a top priority at the moment, I still think that some kind of inventory editor (like in arenapvp) can be a useful adjustment to the gameplay and to the user's experience of playing minigames. I also highly recommend, as you have stated above, that it should be accessible for all users and not only donators, like on arenapvp.

    Yours sincerely,
    FalseReports likes this.
  6. FalseReports

    Jul 24, 2019
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    The following screenshots will also show you the problem with the "inventory" mess with skywars and I was looking at these screenshots and if you look for the level in each screenshot. The lvl 940+ is my main account aka easylobby and it has Bedrock and the hotbar is a complete hot mess but my lvl 95+ aka spammingbuttons is rookie and has the perfect setup for the hotbar for me which makes no sense on why it would switch up. I just hope Alex Markey fixes this with the upcoming "revamp" for skywars or add some kind of hotbar/inventory editor for the kit items and I just hope that some of the items in these chests are fixed because honestly you don't need every single item.

    easylobby.png easylobby2.png spamming.png spamming2.png
  7. fajoszz

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Hello! I agree with you.
    - We spent a lot of time organizing the inventory, if this is really added SkyWars will become more insane and competitive, which is good because most of the players are complaining that SkyWars is somewhat monotonous. +1
    FalseReports likes this.
  8. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This could be a very helpful idea, me personally doesn’t always like a messed up Skywars inventory and this could be very useful for when you set it up your kits are all laid out and then when you get the stuff from your starter chest BOOM it’s like Magic it’s in a neat order.

    I see no real down sides to this other then it being a smidge too powerful but not really. In conclusion +1.

    Have a Nice Day
    ___Sean___ c:
  9. B_Man05

    Jul 26, 2019
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    I should be able to edit my inventory for Skywars and Survival Games (I can do that if no one sneaks up behind me). In CTF, not really.

    Skywars and SG, YES
    CTF, no.
    Overall, +1

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