MCC and Toxicity MCC has a problem. A big one. The chat is absurdly toxic, ranging from reluctantly helpful at best to a steaming pile of mooshroom poo at worst. Why? Why do we have to be this toxic? Well, that's what we're going over, in this installment of In Depth. Recap In the last installment, we went over coinflipping and how integral is is to the server as a whole. But while coinflipping is necessary to the economy, it also comes with a downside: toxicity. As with the previous installment, I'll be breaking down different types of toxicity and what causes them. Type I Toxicity - Assholeism This is the stupid kind of toxicity. The kind where someone on skyblock calls you "kid" because - why not? You dared to play there and you pay the consequence. The point is, we shouldn't enable these people, and they're better off outside of the server. But now for a slightly more laid-back form of toxicity. Type II Toxicity - Anger At The Game This is slightly more justified than Assholeism, but still a bad thing. Here's an example. [Immortal] xSniikeZ_: wtf kid ur actually shit you won my stupid *** coinflip take it again you wussy [Rookie] LiterallyAnyOtherHalfDecentPlayer: go away sniike Basically, it has a justification but is poorly executed. You can lose big coinflips without calling people names! This is also what happens when you get split in factions and get mad, or when some kid yeets you with a perfectly timed SW bow shot and you fail to save yourself because the epearl has 1 more second of cooldown. Type III Toxicity - Righteous Anger This is what we've all done. When someone's an a-hole to you, or when you get killed by the same hacker in skywars on his 7th aLT ADLFJDSHFKSDJFHdsjfkadshgkfsadFADSLFKJHADSFASKDJFHA This is the type of toxicity you see on all servers, and is not MCC exclusive. What can we do? With regards to toxicity, all we can do is try not to be toxic ourselves. So hey, maybe the next time you lose a big coinflip, you congratulate the winner and log, then go vent to yourself. Or you can accept the fact that your faction lost value and not make a big stink of it! In addition, if the toxicity reaches disrespect levels, you can always use /chatreport. See you, [Immortal] Covid19Lorax
90% of the issues with toxicity can be avoided if you a) do not respond, b) /chatreport if it persists, and c) use /eignore. Trolls and hackers are looking for a response with everything they say and do. When you react by complaining in chat, they laugh and decide to do it again. And again. And again. If you don't respond to them, and simply go on with your day, they don't get their kick and decide maybe what they're doing isn't the best idea. People highly underestimate /chatreport. Staff frequently check chatreports, and they can be very easily dealt with by any staff rank. Making a big scene is very likely going to make the problem worse, and if you act out enough, get you muted. This contributes to its own type of toxicity, expressed as a strong hatred for the staff team. If things are getting out of hand, or they persist, /chatreport them and move on. On subservers, /eignore is probably the most useful command available. Do you hate someone's guts, and want to cause drama anytime you see their name in chat? Is there a spammer who won't shut up about his special plot you NEED to check out? Is someone generally pissing you off? /eignore solves all those problems, by hiding any message from that user. It's so easy to use, and you can block and unblock players as you wish; there is no limit. So if someone is causing major problems, and you've already chatreported them, use /eignore. Save yourself the keyboard warrior status. Of course, even if you do all of these diligently, there is still the 10% that just won't go away. We have a staff team for a reason, and you should simply inform someone if that is the case. Causing drama or making a scene is rarely the answer (unless you are being kidnapped), and never ends well. In short, you can avoid all the toxicity and problems mentioned above by not reacting, chatreporting, ignoring or telling a staff member. Don't make life harder for yourself.
Toxicity will never change here on MCC. Certain people are just more toxic or sensitive than others. But yeah, if you ever do want to make a difference simply report the person by doing /chatreport (ign) (reason) or ignore them like I do.