Improvement to lobby keys

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by creeper7777777, Apr 6, 2020.

  1. creeper7777777

    Jul 23, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Hi everyone,
    Currently, I have 400 "Cosmetic Keys" in the lobby. If I tried to open them all, it would take HOURS, since the animation is kind of slow. I keep getting things I already have, so the keys just turn into the shard things, which is kind of pointless. I don't really care about the cosmetic things or the hats, I'm pretty much only interested in gadgets, arrow trails, etc. If there were a way to open all of the keys at once, that would be awesome - just skip the animation. The results would be the same as if you were to open it one by one, with the randomness, and it giving you shards if you already have it. It would also be helpful if there were a way to redeem the cosmetic shard things for keys all at once, too. I think most people who play minigames a lot and don't open their keys have probably given up on opening them, too. This would be so helpful - even the smallest things in the server need attention.
    Phraze, Issel and abbzyy like this.
  2. Issel

    Aug 29, 2019
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    I personally don't open my keys anymore because it simply would take hours, skipping the key animation or allowing the ability to open multiple keys at the same time I think would be a great idea. +1
  3. Phraze

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there,

    This idea of opening multiple keys at once has been suggested numerous times. Personally I would love to see this implemented. I have a ton of keys still left unopened because it would take way too long to open them all, and I'm still missing a good deal of cosmetics that could be unlocked from opening them. Hopefully they add something like this in the minigames revamp (it's kinda minigames related, you never know), and maybe even more cosmetics/gadgets and all that for people who have hundreds of keys.

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