Improve Voting/Boss Rewards or Chances

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by LamaOnTheWind, Dec 8, 2020.


Should Keys Be Improved?

  1. Yes

    4 vote(s)
  2. No

    1 vote(s)
  1. LamaOnTheWind

    Aug 14, 2019
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    Hey all

    I've been playing survival for a few years now, but the thing I haven't seen much if any change in the voting rewards or from boss keys.

    Normally they are fine for new players getting some money and xp.

    Most of the time when you open voting keys you get either $1000 - 2000 currency or xp, this is fine at the start of the season when everyone is starting fresh, but after a while opening keys just isn't worth it because the "rewards" aren't good enough.

    I know people will say "but voting only takes 5 minutes" and I can see that point but unless your desperate for money or going for the monthly voting prize voting doesn't do anything for you. You could easily make that money up by using /job or /ah or player shops there are many different ways to make a quick buck that doesn't take you away from the game.

    Now for Boss Keys. Going from my point above about the time, boss can take roughly 15 - 20 minutes (been a while since I played boss so it could've changed) and if you win you get a key from it.

    From this you can get good stuff but one instance I've seen is someone getting xp from it. Roughly 15 - 16 levels. Unless your wanting to enchant stuff or haven't got /fix then its essentially useless. The only way to use this xp is through /Bottle perk and sell it off to try make some money from it. But honestly I think its useless for this to be a "reward".

    A few ways to improve this could be increasing the chances of a better reward from voting and Boss keys or introducing better rewards like eff 4/5 pickaxes (eff 6 from Boss keys) and giving the option to get xp bottles or get the levels themselves. I think an option would be a good change to have.

    I would like to hear different opinions about this and see how it could be implemented.
    Lewklo likes this.
  2. Lewklo

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey! I certainly agree with you, considering the boss event typically takes 15-20 minutes it would make sense if the prizes were more valuable & useful. I agree that xp bottles and name tags should be replaced entirely as they come across as useless to majority of players and shouldn't be considered rewards as they are easily obtainable. Adding efficiency 4/5 pickaxes as you said would be a great replacement!

    Voting keys aren't meant to be such an advantage, but there should be a catch to inspire you to vote more oftenly, - as the current prizes you would not usually bother voting for, unless of course if you're new. My idea is that there is a certain item added that is only obtainable via vote keys, such as voting armour/pickaxes sort of like what prison has implemented with the voting pickaxe (although it does not hold too much value)

    I also think it's time envoys got a slight update - as the rewards you receive from them are also shockingly bad. Although there is 30 crates, and the rewards are quite spread out with some being legendary, rare & common barely anyone goes an hunts for the envoys which is a sign the rewards should be bigger and potentially better then they are now.

    Have a lovely day!
    puposaurus likes this.
  3. notaspleen

    Apr 21, 2020
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    Hey there! I agree with you that Boss/envoy rewards could use another buff (I know envoys already were once), but not so much with voting keys. You're currently likely to get cash or exp from voting keys, and that seems about right to me. $2000 or some levels isn't much, but with 4 vote keys daily the perks from voting can become pretty useful. With a slim chance of winning a beacon or an ancient key, these rewards seem pretty balanced for a free reward which takes little effort. Maybe if there were some sort of voting pickaxe to spice it up as you describe it would make things interesting, but leaving the truly valuable items exclusively for ancient/myth keys seems about right. The fact that voting gets you other pretty useful rewards on the other subservers (such as 8 tokens on prison) makes me wary of buffing them too much anywhere. -1 for changing vote rewards.

    Looking at the event rewards right now, the only items I see being not very useful with are the 50 exp levels and 10 rename scrolls. As common rewards you're likely to receive these, and I agree that the amount of work it takes to be top of the Boss event deserves more than levels or rename scrolls (although I personally value rename scrolls very low, it could be that others have a good use for them). The cash from event rewards looks substantial enough to me (especially at this point in the season) to be worth the effort, but if these were to inflate with the economy I think it would make them more viable. And of course, you have a chance to get a beacon, keys, or job amplifiers, the most useful item in the game, which I think is good. Again, maybe replacing the exp or rename scrolls with an "event pick" or armor would be cool. +0.5 for changing these.

    One thing I would like to see buffed are envoy rewards. I don't see much use for the random blocks which are common, some of the rare rewards are valuable enough, but even the legendary/epic rewards don't seem worth the risk of dying in PVP. I wouldn't mind seeing beacons/job amplifiers/donator keys added to some of these chests, as well as replacing some of the blocks in common rewards with useful low tier enchant books.

    Just my thoughts about these rewards, if you think my reasoning is flawed please let me know :)

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