If you want to change your minecraft IGN, you can log into the mojang website and do it there. If you're talking about your forums profile, in the top right corner on the minecraft central website while logged in, click your name, and in the menu that pops up, click the link "Change Username." This should allow you to change it. Personally, I think "Lxnden" sounds like a good name. It's certainly better than "creeper77777777" lol. I hope this helps, have a great day!
You should check out NameMC and go to Minecraft Names. They have some cool IGN's, and you can check their availability.
so I was think MyDadLeft69 Windexcleaner4000 urmomDOTcom69420 epiccheesegod14 ilovesausagepatties1 Or LxndenTVYTMIXERTTV_CLAPPED