I Was Falsely Accused of cheating

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by The_Watcher52, Jul 31, 2019.

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  1. The_Watcher52

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hello, My in game name is: "The_Watcher52" and this morning i was banned for Anti Knockback cheats on survival games. The ban lasts for an entire month! and i wasn't even cheating. no modded client, plugins or anything of the sort, just plain Minecraft version 1.14.4. I was wrongly accused and banned with no proof of what i did wrong. I was banned 3 hours after playing survival games when i was currently on the Skyblock server. SilentWhispers was the Staff member who banned me. All i want to know is why, and with no evidence to back up that claim i feel like a victim of injustice. Yes i already made an Appeal which was denied with no more then a shrug of indecency. I wasn't even asked a way to prove my innocence. I don't record content and there was no screenshots that would help me. Wouldn't your server have detected if i joined with a modded client?! I just want some answers to help remove this ban and continue having a fun time playing fairly like everyone else. 2019-07-30_19.03.16.png
  2. Kane

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there!

    Creating a post here will not get you unbanned. Instead, please create an appeal. This thread should help you create an appeal.
  3. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    If you believe your punishment was false please appeal it at https://mccentral.org/community/forms/punishment-appeal.1/respond. You can also report the staff member who punished you if you believe that he’s abusing his permission. I read that you have appealed already, and you can appeal again (don’t make tons of appeals as it can get your permissions revoked). As Kane said above creating posts like this won’t help much. I understand how frustrated you are and i don’t blame you for that. Please do what we asked you to as it will help you a lot. Have a nice day
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