I sat down and cried today

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jold, Jul 23, 2020.

  1. Jold

    Jul 29, 2019
    Likes Received:
    I was on factions chilling at outpost a when I get a text from my old friend dkdc aka Redcouch007. And I realized how much he had an effect on my childhood. Every single one of my old friends are banned for the silliest reasons. KipsAhoy, Pest, HypeKillerZ, AJ, like I'm tearing up as I'm writing this just for seeing their names. I hope they're happy with whatever road they took in life because I'm still a loser that plays minecraft about to go to college. Right now I am bawling tears because I just dont wanna grow up. All the good times I had. All the money I spent. Everything is all coming down at once because Redcouch was talking how much times had changed. I wanna shoutout people who had the most impact on me.

    ThePigOfDestiny - Best staff to ever live

    Vizer_ - My best foreign friend I ever had

    DclawZ - The very best pvper I ever met

    xKnow - Showing me what it's like to love someone

    FXEVOLVED - Being an online father figure to me

    JonesSniper - Being a brother to me for years until we fought

    Thigger - Best Weekends of my life with you bro

    FakePigeon - Having faith in my pvp skills at an early stage

    3219 - I raised you from the ground, brother. I miss you every single day

    vandercure2 - First ever minecraft friend

    xViiic - My best Brazilian friend

    TheMootato - My brother, my friend, my family. You'll always have a place in my heart Josh.

    Sodden_ - my outpost lookout. I will forever remember you

    AngryBarb - My favorite ChunLi leader. Always could count on you.

    Quickdrcpped - You still have so much to learn matt and I'm so glad to call you my friend

    BounceHouseBob - Man I know we had beef but we got a good history. I love you brother. Always will. No homo ofc <3 p.s thanks for the p5 carry from ChungVille/Invictus <33333

    KrackerKid - Man you were always there for me through the hard times and you're family no matter how often we talk.

    FuglyA - Showing me what it's like to be legendary on factions.

    juliqq - my very best creative friend. Such a good builder

    DopeGod - My friend I'll never EVER forget you

    Marbellaa - my lil sis :)

    WeirdDamage - My younger brother. Don't ever forget that I care about you bro

    HooperJlu - I looked up to you back in the day and still wish to this day I could hear your voice again

    P1b - Tristan man... How could I forget you? You got me into this server.

    2BLOCGMASTER - remember Crusade bro? You were always my little buddy and always followed me. I miss you lots

    ikill - Man... you are my family. I would give my life for you in a heartbeat bro. Aint nobody ever gonna replace you homie. When we go our seperate ways I wish you the best in this long and bumpy road of life. You will always be family!

    serach - You lovely person. When we call I feel like my world comes to life and you warm my heart. Everything about you is amazing and I dont wanna know what it's like to not be able to call you.

    Guys if I didnt include you.... It's due to the lack of actual thoughts going through my brain. Tears are rolling down my face because you guys were my childhood. All of you. I love you guys so so so much. Please never forget your pal Jold <3
    #1 Jold, Jul 23, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2020
  2. _Noxid

    Mar 30, 2020
    Likes Received:
    I cried when I found out the dude who I bought Immortal for got perm banned *cough* _igoogie_ u little hacker *cough*
  3. Jold

    Jul 29, 2019
    Likes Received:
    The memories bro haha
  4. SplatBerry

    Sep 8, 2019
    Likes Received:
    That’s sad but this is very sweet :)
  5. Dope

    Sep 18, 2020
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    I got permed lol but thanks for remembering me :3
  6. uncleNO

    Jul 22, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Don't wipe your tears ;) with the crusty sock under your bed, use a napkin :D

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