I have a question

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ChukyChesePiza, Apr 20, 2021.

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  1. ChukyChesePiza

    Apr 20, 2021
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    So, for some reason I've had this question on my mind for a while because I'm bored but heres the question.
    If someone bought a Rank with one payment method (paypal, debit card, etc.) and then say, you made a new paypal and deleted your old one, when you ask for a refund on a minecraft sever will they refund you to your new payment method?
    I dunno, I'd say they would only do the first payment method so they dont have to refund anyone for anything?

    Let me know what you think.
  2. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey there,
    Assuming this is in reference to MCC specifically, we do not offer refunds just because. We basically only reverse purchases if there was an error in the payment, for example the wrong item was purchased, if the wrong username was entered or if the items were not received.

    I don't think anywhere would actually do this. Not just minecraft servers but anywhere you purchase online. If you were to try and get the refund to a different account from the purchase, nothing would stop someone from frauding it etc etc. This is the same case for purchases in real life. You would only be able to refund it with the card you paid for and proof of purchase.

    So in short answer, no.
    micunmuted likes this.
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