I’m trying to become a helper what are some tips

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by joseph zeichik, Nov 19, 2019.

  1. joseph zeichik

    Nov 10, 2019
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    I’m trying to become a helper what are some tips Tricks commands and things I need to know to become a helper
  2. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Joseph :D

    ! It is lovely to see new community members like yourself try out for helper! Some things that may really help you include the following:

    • Be active in game, on the forums and on the MCC Community discord! Become a well known player, be recognisable (as a helpful and kind person!)
    • Meet requirements but don't stop when you achieve them. Example, when you get 20 forum posts and want to try and get some reports, don't stop posting on the forums!
    • Memorise the rules! This will help out when you are punishing rule breakers on the server!
    • Be up for it! Be ready to meet requirements like playtime, chatreports, etc!
    • Don't get involved in Drama! Stay respectful on the MCC network.
    • Help players where you can! Fun Fact: You do not need a pink tag just to be a wonderful helping community member!
    • Make threads that are helpful, not just boosting your number, example: I think this is a great idea! I believe that this should be added as _____________! +1 to this Idea! I really hope it gets added! Not: This will be cool, hope gets added. Quality Over Quantity.
    • Submit on forum player reports as well as in game chat reports frequently.
    • Have knowledge of all sub servers!
    • Play the majority of sub servers on MCC.
    • Do not boost your /playtime with AFK minutes. This will not at all help you in your application!
    • Join the staff practise discord if you haven't already for extra help! It is completely free and gives you tips, tests your knowledge of the server and set goals like how many reports you should do, something that really helps you see in an applications team members eyes. PM on discord ___Sean___#0757 for the link to the staff practise discord if you haven't joined and is something you would like to try out for!
    There are many other things included I may not have mentioned if anybody wants to add on to the thread!

    Have a Nice Day
    All The Best
    MCC Community Member
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello joseph! along with the AMAZON-INg (:):):) tips sean gave.. some other tips i’d give is:
    * for forums posts, try to be insightful n’ such. the point of them is not only to be active community member, but to also show apps team your knowledge.. and/or if it’s a suggestion how you would reply and handle the suggestion if you were to -1 it and kinda state reasons or whatever (if that makes sense)
    * for “memorizing rules” really what’s most important for being a staff member is knowing the rule’s severity and category since when you punish players that’s something that’s p important. however, you do not need to memorize times/lengths of a punishment (except for discord rules)
    * although chatreports are not a requirement for applying, they help your application. my tip for grinding those chatreports is to kinda watch over chat in hubs/lobbies. as well as any other subserver
    ********* take your time on your app, if you feel that you’re not ready or whatever, that’s coool beans since the application ain’t going anywhere :flOshed:
    * taking the rime to engage with the community and other staff members helps since the day gives time for the community to get to know you and you to know the community... which is kinda why they have that 45day requirement (must wait 45days from joining forums/creating a forums account before applying)

    hope these helped too uwu
    have a great day! :D
    iiSean likes this.
  4. Departition_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Here’s a forum tip, dont be such a tryhard on the forums saying the same thing on every post and bumping threads from 3 months ago like the average person that tries to become helper does, also dont micro mod either. Also if someone on the forums implements a idea or something or has a problem with the server don't trash their threads by saying useless stuff on their posts
    #4 Departition_, Nov 20, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2019
  5. astralis

    Nov 20, 2019
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    Here are some tips for you:

    - Please don't be that guy who copy and pastes a formal signature at the end of every post - there is no good reason for this.
    - Sometimes more words is less.
    - A lot of players apply for helper; make yourself stand out.
    Departition_ likes this.
  6. Hello!

    I'm very glad that you are trying to become Helper. Being Helper is a great experience and you get a chance to help out the community!

    Since I was promoted, I would like to give out a few pointers for you to become more suitable for becoming a helper

    1: Be active ingame. I know this has been thown around a lot but to be active ingame is not just in one sub-server but all around the server

    2: Be active on discord and on the forums. I think one of the qualities of helper is to be helpful outside of just the game part of MCC but also help out the community. A great way to help out the community is to be active in #Support on discord. However, only help with issues that you could help with. If it's a staff member issue, it is better to wait for staff to help out.

    3: Act maturely. To become a staff member means you will be given authority to help out and punish players. To let the applications team know that you are capable of being mature, you should act maturely both ingame and out of game such as discord and on the forums.

    4: Do not rush. I know that the helper tag is cool and you want it as soon as possible. However, there is no point in rushing you application to be denied and you have to wait 30 days. I would much rather apply when I'm ready. So make sure that you have all the requirements before you apply.

    - If you have any further questions, you can always contact me. Hope I manged to give some useful tips!

    - Recrement (Discord: Recrement#0675)
    puposaurus likes this.
  7. JonesSniper

    Sep 21, 2019
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    Hey! There’s a mentee discord for up coming staff. It’s a great way to do thing before applying for staff.

    Have a wonderful week


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