How to make a forums account

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Deleted member 145, Oct 28, 2019.

  1. Hello everyone! I thought I would make a guide on how to make a forums account!

    Step 1

    The first thing you will want to do is come to the MC-Central website, once you are on the website you might see a screen like this.


    Now if you are at that screen just click the sign up button to the right, But if you are on this thread what you will want to do is go up to the right top corner and click this button.


    Step 2

    After you click either one of those buttons you will be brought to a screen like this.


    Now once you are to this screen you will put whatever name you want as that will be your forums username. Then you will put your email and a password. Then put your gender and fill out your birth date. After that hit sign up, You will be brought to this screen.


    When you see this screen go to your actual email account and you should see a email with a link on it from MC-Central, Click that link and you will be brought back to forums.

    You just made a MC-Central forums account!

    Hopefully you found this guide helpful, Have fun on forums.

    Thank you for reading
    Samboni, AZXG, iiSean and 1 other person like this.
  2. Hello!

    This is a very nice guide but I believe this process is very simple to most of the users of "how to create account" as its just logging / verify (not too complicated as this process works nearly the same way on any websites we register on so I believe people understands this logic and how to use it for other websites"

    Overall nice guide (Might help some people that have 0 ideas or new to creating accounts) but I still think most of them would figure out of how to create one =)

    Deleted member 145 likes this.
  3. Departition_

    Jul 23, 2019
    Likes Received:
    It’s actually kinda sad if someone doesnt know how to make this, tbh you kinda wasted your time on this cuz anyone with a brain can make an account in like 10 seconds
    puposaurus likes this.
  4. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
    Likes Received:
    The guide itself looks really nice but I feel like if someone doesn't know how to create a forum account, they won't be able to find this thread either. It's literally just 2-3 steps to create an account, and it follows the same principles as multiple other websites (signup and login are on the top right corner, you fill in information and click the confirmation email).

    This guide is nice, as I said, but I don't feel like it's needed for a FAQ forums or such. You may still link it to users who have trouble signing up. :D
  5. wunderly

    Aug 6, 2019
    Likes Received:
    The guide looks really neat, but I wouldn't be too sure anyone would have a hard time making a forum account, and they probably wouldn't know how to get to this thread as well. But hey, as Timppali said you can still link it to users who have trouble signing up.
    Deleted member 145 likes this.
  6. ItsDavld

    Sep 5, 2019
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    On the contrary of what everyone is saying about this thread, I think it is very helpful and useful. I have seen so many members ask how to access the forums to make a suggestion or report a player and they would struggle on it. I can see the use of this thread to help other users if they need it. This post does not regard the people already registered onto the website, but for new people that would like to join. This would be a great Link to have for Discord, and in FAQ. So we can copy this link and give it to people that need it.

    Overall, I think this thread looks very good and its layout looks perfect. I see the use for this post and I can't wait to use it to anyone that needs any help.

    Deleted member 145 likes this.
  7. BarcelonaJay

    Sep 19, 2019
    Likes Received:
    The guide looks great honestly!
    Deleted member 145 likes this.

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