I haven't played minecraft for a solid 7 years until today but when I logged into the server and was loading in it said I was banned for two weeks. I haven't cheated or done anything against the rules.
Hey Luke, this can mean many things, it might mean that your account was compromised or that you had a long punishment that hasn't expired yet. Either way, if you think your punishment is invalid or wrong you should appeal at https://www.mccentral.org/community/forums/appeals/. Have a Great Day!
Hey. You can start by searching up your Minecraft username on the punishment system and see which staff member banned you. From there, I would head over to the appeals forum to figure out what happened from there. Let me know if you have any further questions.
Hi Luke, If you haven't played Minecraft in 7 years, your account may have been compromised, you gave someone login details, etc. you can appeal this here. Explain the situation as much as possible and your ban can be reduced. The outcome of the appeal (reduce, remove, etc.) is up to the staff member who punished you. Remember: Anyone that is on your account is your responsibility, and I would highly recommend changing your account details (password) ASAP to prevent this situation at all costs. QUESTION ANSWERED || THREAD LOCKED