Highlight Sky Wars on the compass

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by _Oprimido_, Jul 25, 2021.

  1. _Oprimido_

    Dec 14, 2019
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    Sky Wars was one of MC-Central's most played minigames (if not the most played), however, after the last update, you need to enter the minigames to access Sky Wars, which takes away a lot of the visibility it had previously, just go to the compass and click on Ender Pearl. Basically, my suggestion is that it is possible to access the minigame (join a game, in this case) in the same way as it was before.

    Until later!
  2. 10sec

    Feb 9, 2021
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    Due to the new minigames revamp, everything is now new. Your suggestion is something that I have given some thought to during the firsts stages of the revamp, however, everything indicates that this may not be a viable option anymore because of the minigames lobby itself.

    The minigames lobby
    - which connects all the minigames in basically 'one server' - was specifically made in order to aid players and make their life easier. The mechanics of buying new perks/kits, abilities, and, generally speaking, customizing your gameplay as a whole, cannot be made in-game any longer, being that the reason why they created this 'lobby' with all the shopkeepers and NPCs.

    Nevertheless, changes can be made if really needed, but as I see it, it won't be any time soon.

    Thank you.

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