Guild Leadership

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by TeddyPrice, Sep 26, 2020.

  1. TeddyPrice

    Dec 25, 2019
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    I just started playing Capture the flag again and im racking up a lot of guild points, unfortunately my old guild leader is not active as much. So i asked her to transfer leadership over to me, but there’s no way to do it. I asked some staff members and they had no clue. I tried everything i can think of: /guild promote, /guild leader, /guild leave(for owner, but you must disband the entire guild in order to do so) everything. So at this point i think that it’s impossible, i think you guys should change it so we can transfer leadership to one another, starting a new guild would be difficult for me since this guild already has lots of points that I have earned.
    Bruno likes this.

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