Guiding New Players

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by 110usd, Jan 1, 2021.

  1. 110usd

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Over the past few weeks, I've realized there are a lot, and I mean a lot, of players joining who end up leaving not knowing how to properly play or even what to do. I know that /warp tutorial is a thing and it's a simple solution, but what if there aren't any players to tell them in chat? I was thinking it would be a good idea to maybe have a broadcast in chat to tell new players something. For example, if you run in the ow, you'll find bases either being built or builds that have already been raided and when people log on and see its been destroyed, they quit the server. As I'm on right now, over half of the level 5's have no job. I feel like if there was some kind of guiding hand, some people would feel motivated to stay. Anyways, apologies if this seems just thrown together, I'm running off of 2 hours of sleep but thank u for reading <3
    OriAlfi and Lewklo like this.
  2. LeafyTiger24

    Mar 18, 2020
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    I agree that MCC survival can be difficult to understand since it's so different to every other server so something that could be useful would be some commands added to /help. However, personally I really didn't find it hard at all to understand survival, all I needed to know was what the command to claim a plot was (because all the ones near spawn were claimed) and I just played normally then. As for the fact that players don't have jobs, they can just look on tab and see that someone has 'farmer' next to their name, say "how do i get farmer" amd someone will likely say do /jobs. I wouldn't really say that a lot of people build in the overworld (since there is a huge sign that says 'resets in _ days' so people can say 'where do I build for my build to stay' and 90% of the time someone will say /p h auto (correct me if I'm wrong with that command (I don't play survival)). Whilst what you have suggested seems very much like /warp tutorial I still believe that this would be a good thing to add for the players who don't come on te forums to read the 'guild to survival' thread. This also shouldn't take to long to implement as it seems rather basic. Overall a +1 from me not because it's needed but because it sounds useful.
  3. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    I agree with this, Not only for survival but all sub servers in general. But there is only so much worth doing. You can put numerous messages in chat but if they have chat off or don't read chat, they will never see it. Some things change every season and things get very out dated so the instructions have to be fairly basic.

    For survival. A message and / or a ncp that players can click on infront of where they spawn with simple instructions to /warp tutorial /jobs to help them get started will work.
  4. Lewklo

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi! I certainly agree with you. There are so many new players with so many questions yet few of them get answered across all sub-servers. A message appearing in chat guiding new players with questions instructing them to go to '/warp tutorial' would be helpful in some cases, but for those who simply don't read chat and/or have it off wouldn't help them as mentioned. I feel like all new players tend to run around spawn if they don't know their purpose in playing, so in my opinion it would be great if '/warp tutorial' was relocated to it's own section at spawn that is accessible and easy for all players to see when they first join. However '/warp tutorial' doesn't cover too much information and there are way more complex questions that players may encounter and ask chat for help so really all that can be relied on is other players assisting them.

    Another idea I have regarding this suggestion is whenever a player joins the server for the first time, or after a reset they spawn with a book in their hotbar sort of like a 'Guide book' that when you open you are able to go over the brief aspects of the server and possibly the rules too - sort of like '/warp tutorial' in a book form that everyone starts off with.

    I definitely think something like this should already exist, so great idea! I really hope this is added! Have a nice day<3
    #4 Lewklo, Jan 2, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2021
  5. HiloPlayz

    Jun 15, 2020
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  6. Hugtea

    Jan 5, 2021
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    I agree big time! I recently rejoined the survival server after about 2 years of not even getting onto minecraft,, and it's SO hard to get a grasp on what's going on. I literally have a rank of legend, and people don't even respond to me when I ask something in chat half the time. It's extremely hard to understand commands. There should be some guide to help remedy this (:

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