[Guide] Quality not Quantity

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by FFandF, Sep 8, 2019.


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  1. FFandF

    Aug 28, 2019
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    As most of you guys know, when becoming a staff member, you need to have forum posts. Some people who want to become a staff member will just send short, unhelpful messages. When looking at applications, the staff do check what your posts are, if they are not helpful, they will most likely not add on the the amount of forum posts you have. What the McCentral staff team is looking for is forum posts that are helpful! I suggest looking for forum posts about being banned, bugs, suggestions, etc., then answering them with good grammar and trying to be the most helpful you can be!

    I really hope this was helpful! Good luck!
    Departition_ likes this.
  2. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I, as an applicatant, I know what to expect when doing forum posts and I know what standards the Applications Team are looking for. In my opinion, not giving any single hate, I did not find this helpful because as said, I knew this already.

    On the other hand, people that joined MCC not too long ago and would like to become staff, will definetlely find this usefull if they do indeed find this thread. As you probably know, before applying, you need to have a minimum of 20 accepted forum reports. I'd suggest giving tips on how to get those or even how to make them.

    Have a good day Waifer:)

  3. FFandF

    Aug 28, 2019
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    Yes this is for the people who may just be Post Farmers and expect to get staff for it! Thank you though for the feed back
  4. Zguy2000

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Waifer!

    In addition to making sure your forum posts have good content, there are many other suggestions for newer players who want to grind out the work for becoming staff. I could go on forever about the intense amount of hours of work you need to put in for every category, but as far as forum posts go, "Server Suggestions" has always been a great place to get some VERY high quality forum posts. Take the time to thoroughly read, examine, and answer every idea you see. It will more than likely take you 20-30 minutes per thread if you read the entire thing, read every reply, and type a thorough response. However, if you can't dedicate 20-30 minutes to a specific task that may not be something you enjoy doing, then maybe staff isn't really cut out for you in the first place. Staff respect posts that show time, effort, and concern for the betterment of the server. And, of course, general is a great place to find people asking questions, and you may just get lucky enough to beat a staff member to answering the question.

    Have a nice day/night!
  5. Departition_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Yeah it annoys me so much when players reply to your posts with something that's very obvious and are blatantly trying very hard to get staff on the server.
    JapanCrafter likes this.
  6. fouffy

    Jul 22, 2019
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    As an ex application team member, I always abided with the term "quality over quantity". There would be times when we were VERY low on helpers, or faction staff. A lot would apply, however they simply didn't give much effort. It's better to give it to people who deserve it honestly rather than just promoting because we feel we need to :P
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