good screen capture programs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by joseph zeichik, Nov 18, 2019.

  1. joseph zeichik

    Nov 10, 2019
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    hey im trying to get to helper rank and i was wondering what are some free screen capture software that i can use to take video of hackers, cheaters and scammers
  2. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Joseph!

    Personally I use QuickTime on my Mac except the most common ones I hear people use is Bandicam and OBS so why not give those a try!

    Have a Nice Day :D
    All The Best
    joseph zeichik and puposaurus like this.
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello! as mentioned by sean, obs, bandicam, and quicktimeplayer are all good ones. along with the windows10 one... i can’t speak much for the windows10 one, but i’d say obs, bandicam, and quicktime all have their pros and cons.
    personally, i prefer bandicam becuase i can connect keybinds to easily start and stop a recording. however, not everyone can download obs b/c their computers cannot handle it or storage... or something along those lines
    with quicktimeplayer, it just gets annoying sometimes while setting it up depending on where you’d want your files to go to.
    with bandicam, the only thing i know about it is that the watermark is kinda gross... but apart from that, i don’t think there’s too too much wrong with it...

    overall, my personal favorite is obs...

    hope this helped and have a great day!
    joseph zeichik likes this.
  4. Kyee__

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey. if you would like to capture hackers, scammers etc. Use OBS and just record 24/7 and then if you know something happened all you do is download Gyazo and make Gyazo gifs (only if its within 7 seconds) otherwise once you have recorded on obs you can crop the video and upload to youtube. If you dont want to crop just upload full video and give the timestamps in the description of the video and in the ticket report.
    puposaurus likes this.
  5. wafe

    Sep 26, 2019
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    Hey, I'm going straight to the point on these.
    1. OBS - free, key binds, user-friendly, streaming
    2. Bandicam - free/paid, key binds, settings can get confusing.
    3. Action! - Paid, user-friendly, instant reply, lots of keybinds.
    4. GeForce Experience - People with NVIDIA graphics card, Instant reply, keybinds, user-friendly, not the best quality
    These are my 4 recommended.
    Hope this helped.
    Have a good day!
  6. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    It really depends a lot on what you use for an operating system, as well as some of your computer's physical hardware. Both because there are some recorders that low-end PCs can't handle, and there are also some specific graphics cards that offer installable programs with their hardware.

    1. OBS - OBS, or Open Broadcasting Software, is a pretty well-known recording program that let's you do pretty much anything from recording to streaming, with a large plethora of settings to choose from. The only issue is that it's very demanding on resources, so if you don't have a decent PC you're likely going to nave some trouble getting this working with a decent framerate and resolution.

    2. Windows GameBar - If you've ever used Windows 8 or 10, you may have heard of the game bar. It's a very handy tool that comes built-in to all Windows 8+ computers. It not only lets you record a game, but it also lets you make a clip of the last x seconds at the clip of a button, also known as "Instant Replay". This is very handy especially when it comes to catching hackers, as there is no guarantee you will run into them hacking again after the first encounter. There is also the chance that they will toggle off once they kill you. Another plus to this is it doesn't use too many resources, as I've been using it for years and it doesn't seem to effect FPS or gameplay in any way. And my computer has like the lowest possible specs for a desktop computer lmao. The only real issues with this is that it's rather buggy, since it's still relatively new. Sometimes it will corrupt footage and make it blurry, and sometimes it just refuses to record altogether. Also it only comes on Windows, obviously :joy:

    3. GPU Software - Some Graphics Cards, namely AMD and NVIDIA, have built-in or downloadable software that comes with their graphics cards that allows you to record your screen. And because these programs record your screen at the graphic-level, they don't effect your CPU at all. Some even offer the Instant Replay feature, just like Windows GameBar. In fact, AMD ReLive was the only reason I stopped using the Windows GameBar. If you want to see if your computer has this, I'd first try to figure out what type of graphics card you have. Then see if there is any recording software provided by the company that produces it.

    The ones also mentioned above by everyone else are pretty good alternatives, however these are the three that I would personally suggest you check out. Especially 3, if your graphics card supports it.
  7. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    OBS also has a similar feature, called the replay buffer. I personally prefer it over the Windows Game Bar for the smaller filesizes (Game Bar uses up about 500MB-1GB for a 30 second recording, whereas OBS recordings use about 50MB-150MB for the same length and video), customization options and relative stability (it still causes issues sometimes, but not too frequently).

    The biggest problem with NVIDIA's software is incompatibility issues, especially with ShadowPlay and drivers; 430.39 onward would cause Minecraft to crash frequently and randomly on my GTX 1050, and the issue persisted all the way to 441.20. That's about 8 months of on-and-off crashing. A lot of these software programs are outright incompatible with a lot of other software as well, such as antivirus/firewall programs, which in my opinion is not worth it. I would stick with open-source, for the most part.
    Another good alternative I used to use on my (Windows) laptop is ZDSoft Screen Recorder. I haven't really used it in a while, but it is a great program with an organized UI and flexible recording options. Beware, it eats up CPU power, so not the best choice if you're on a potato.

    Other than that, the replies above me have offered a great number of programs, and I highly suggest you check them out :)
    puposaurus and wafe like this.
  8. SweOres

    Aug 28, 2019
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    I recommend Bandicam its a nice screen/game recording software
  9. centjeuh

    Sep 28, 2019
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    I use windows gamebar myself bcs it's easy and quick to set up whenever you need it. If I need to record long video's and with better quality i prefer OBS bcs it's free and has a lot of features (good for doing live streams too).

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