Getting rid of Speedy Walls

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Devon, Jun 29, 2020.


Should "Speedy Walls" be removed from the network?

Poll closed Jul 13, 2020.
  1. Yes, this game should be removed.

  2. No, the game should live on forever!

  1. Devon

    Sep 4, 2019
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    Hi! I'm sure you've heard of the title, and have a general idea of what the game "Speedy Walls" is. If you don't, I'm going to write a little summary of what it is (If you alr know please proceed to next paragraph). Speedy Walls is a game where you pick a team, get teleported with you team to one of four sides divided by walls. You have a few minutes to mine before the walls drop, and there's some loot at middle consisting diamonds, I believe an enchant table, and chests with random loot like a "skywars middle". The teams fight until the surviving team wins the game.

    Intro 1 "Why nobody plays it":
    Knowing what Speedy Walls is, I'm sure we've all played it at least once. The problem with this game is it is like a "little skywars". This game takes way too long for the lobby to fill up, and the reason being is that it is just unappealing to new, and old players. The game itself is really unappealing because you just repeat the same thing over and over again. Spawn, get into a cave, mine, fight. With Skywars, SG, and most mini games, you have a random chance at items, and it is less repetitive then a game like that. What I'm trying to say by "less repetitive" is it's also less exciting when you know you can only mine to get better. While in Skywars, SG, you can go around looting and have a high chance at finding good gear every chest you open.

    Intro 2 "Why it should be removed":
    Following up from Intro 2, nobody plays this game anymore, and if they do, it's usually not a full lobby. I have spent a few hours in the lobby just to test how many games I could play, and I believe it was like 3 or so games, which is terrible rates when you can just play 35 games of SW in that time (not exact). It should be removed because the game is dead, and has no appeal. Games like Champion Builders are different, because it is the only game that "mains building" and I can play a few games. Things like Speedy Walls are not anything special, because it just requires mining and PvP. Another reason it should be removed is because it doesn't help the server. With other games like Skywars, SG, and CTF keeping players on the server, Speedy Walls does not.

    Ending Statement "Relief":
    When I go to play another mini game and slide across to see Speedy Walls, I always feel a bit down inside. Back whenever it came out, it used to be fun (like any hyped up game), and to see it like this, really breaks my heart. I would like to put this game to rest and hopefully others feel the same. It lived a good life, and made a lot of others happy during the time it was active, though MCC doesn't benefit from having a game like this. I would rather see a new game idea placed in that position.

    Thanks To You:
    I would like all the players that have once made this game fun for me, and have been playing the network consistently and enjoying these games. I have always enjoyed the game the network has to provide, though games that aren't played, or aren't special in any way, should be removed. I can argue on other games and sub-server being removed, but this paragraph is going to be used to thank you guys <3 I love seeing everyone in lobbies having fun in their own ways, whether that is being toxic, nice, or having casual conversations, I do not care. Keep playing MCC and having a fun time like I do.
    ThorKingOfAsgard, forgranted and ohiu like this.
  2. ohiu

    May 16, 2020
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    Hey, I completely agree with you, I think they should remove speedy walls and add a new innovating minigame
  3. TheKingOfTurtlez

    Nov 30, 2019
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    SPEEDY WALLS IS BETTER THAN ANYTHING IN THE GAME, its just a game you cant get bored of and has minimal hackers, if you want to Vault a mini-game, vault Cakewars, nobody plays that
  4. Devon

    Sep 4, 2019
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    The reason this game has 0 hackers is because only a few games start each day XD
  5. Chilo_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello Devon! Thank you for taking the time to make this server idea. After some consideration, I have decided to remain on the said for keeping speedy walls, however I will present an idea that could go along with this.

    perhaps instead of removing the game entirely, take it, along with championship builder, and maybe a spleef / tnt run (along with a few others, such as one in the chamber) and make it a “party games” Sort of thing,

    to keep all games active, it would be one game you join, and three - four of these games would be played at random.

    I am personally a huge fan of speedy walls, so I would hate to see it go, but I would be excited for a change such as what I mentioned

    have a great day - Chilo, Professional Speedy walls player
  6. Devon

    Sep 4, 2019
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    I think this is a splendid idea. Instead of having to queue up in for Speedy Walls, it is put into a poll in a sort of "party games" style lobby like you said. I personally really like this idea, and thanks for taking the time to suggest it. I think this would be a good addition to MCC! Like I said in my post, I miss the game and would hate for it to go, but also moving it into a party games lobby would be fair.
    Chilo_ likes this.
  7. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    Honestly, it needs to go. Its been on the server for a while for no exact reason. Honestly I feel like they removed all the good games. I believe that all the old minigames were much more played than speedy walls was ever played. +1
  8. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    Your point is obvious... of course old minigames were played more. However, you say it’s on here for ‘no exact reason’ but some people do play speedy walls, it’s just played a lot less, even an Sr Mod plays it and he enjoys it a lot. I mean, they didn’t remove all the good minigames. Unless you are counting survival games and skywars as trash, I don’t see what kind of minigames were good. I mean I didn’t play a lot of minigames last time but I did play survival games and skywars and I don’t recollect any other popular minigames. Or maybe you play murder mayhem instead so you think that it’s better than all the other minigames. In short, I can’t know what you mean by good minigames and people do enjoy speedy walls, there are just less people.
    TheKingOfTurtlez, mcrcus and Chilo_ like this.
  9. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    I meant 2015-2017ish minigames like TNT Run, Splegg and etc...
  10. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hiya! would first like to start off with that i completely agree that speedy walls being removed from mcc would be quite nice and wouldn’t impact a whole lot of players except for chilo.

    you mentioned how speedy walls is similar to skywars, which i can see; however, i see speedy walls having more resemblance to uhc. also, speedy walls can be played on multiple other servers like mineplex (which is dead let’s be honest) but not only mineplex but also hypixel.
    i wouldn’t go as far to say that speedy walls is dead; the times it is active is usually when there’s a party or players go ‘round different subservers advertising the game or there is a revival event hosted by usually some lousy a** community events member who needs to host an event because they missed all the events the previous month and just trying to look active on the trello so they don’t get demoted, or kicked off, a subteam. :flyshed: :eyes:
    anwywats- moving on, i think another thing your points make this valid, which has semi-already been touched on, is the fact that different aspects of this minigame are already in server with skywars, uhc, sg (but only after the walls fall), ctf (but very little), and subservers like survival where you mine to get resources (and most likely with the new reset coming, kits will be nerfed and mining for gear and such will actually become more common)

    now, touching on the uhc thing. uhc and speedy walls are definitely different games; however, share many similarities which is why i don’t have a problem if speedy walls were removed. I think some major differences between speedy walls and uhc is that (1) uhc is purely mining based for your items (with exceptions of generated structures, and scenarios specifically supply drop) while speedy walls has a mining aspect, but also when walls fall the middle allows for certain items to be found like enchantment tables and diamond gear (2) speedy walls has maps it rotates through keeping ores in same places, easy for players to just write down the coords to the ores and go straight to them instead of mining and running into dead ends n such while uhc is a different seed every time (3) uhc games only happen every 17hrs while speedy walls isn’t like this, it’s probably longer due to the inactivity the game gets at a time. (4) uhc teams and rewards aren’t as consistent (in a good way), uhc is always a little different every match especially since the scenarios are changed and team sizes are rotated through, while speedy walls is the same sad little lobby where staff go to get minigame minutes while they do reports since they can’t get deal with the fact they cant go in sm and afk in minigames.
    due the fact that uhc is every 17hrs, it’s more like an event which is why it draws more players in at once (and also that’s kinda the nature of uhc games, having large quantities of players at the start of a match). with uhc not being as often it definitely makes the games more special and less disposable in means that a player can just suicide or be a lil more careless with things like health and hunger and be like, ‘i’ll just join a new match and get a do-over’. this is one thing i like about mcc’s uhc, and what i think makes mcc different from a few other servers that have uhc like any other minigame (usually because they’re much bigger servers and/or dedicated to really only hosting uhcs).

    this was already touched a little bit above, but unlike uhc, speedy walls can’t really be spectated, or monitored, like how staff and other players watch uhc games. kinda, um… referring to xrayers as both uhc and speedy walls are semi-mining based games. uhc always has multiple staff watching players and alerts are given when players mine things like gold, diamonds, and emeralds. now, i am unaware if this is true for speedy walls (as in if a staff were to suicide at start of game and just spectate game from there, since currently there’s not a way for staff to join/spectate ongoing games). in speedy walls, players can always pick the same team and write down coords to ores as those dont change (varied by map) and it can appear that they are using xray which can lead to false bans. on the flipside if a staff had died early in the game or spectating ongoing games becomes a thing and they catch a player who is actually using xray, this excuse could be made (but most likely not valid unless evidence is shown in an appeal or something).
    as of now, a true way wouldn’t have been known since staff can’t join/spectate ongoing games and speedy walls isn’t really played by all staff and even if it is, the games are usually majority staff and maybe some staff tryhards/kissas*ses. i don’t believe that speedy walls is monitored enough (compared to things like uhc, survival subserver, and maybe even factions, sure) for things like xrayers to be caught which makes the game more unfair especially since the only ways to an xrayer in speedy walls is if you’re on their team or you’re spectating the game. Even something like skywars has staff cleaning it out majority of the time and players constantly reporting hackers from skywars.

    sadly, i don’t really see speedy walls being removed from the minigames, but one can dream.

    although the most of same things i pointed out can be said about champion builders, but the thing is, is that champion builders or anything like it can’t be found in mcc not even in another form, as you have already mentioned. With slight exception of the creative plot contests and occasionally a few other subs (usually when they reset) and the factions roof art things which isn’t even in the community discord and not all players are in the community discord either because they don’t know about it, or could banned over some small silly rule, or even not allowed to have discord as it’s an app/social media (in a sense) that is really only for users 13y/o+.

    i think chilo’s idea of merging speedy walls with some of the other pre-existing minigames that aren't as active wouldn’t be a bad idea. It can be sorta like a reopen of the arcade, but instead of each game having a different lobby each time, it’s more like a surprise on which game you’re going to play.

    overall, i wouldn’t mind speedy walls getting the boot on mcc, though again, it’s most likely not going to happen unless there’s some compromise like what chilo suggested…. anyways… +1
    YupImDuck likes this.

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