Over the past year, I've been playing MCC I've noticed little to no new maps added to skyward. Personally I think it will be really cool if the team could higher a few builders and start making some new maps or anything. Not to brag or anything but back in the day I used to build a lot of things in Minecraft for projects and almost always got an A, so I could perhaps help!
MCC has plenty of Skywars maps ready to go in the Map Submission section of the forums. All that really needs to be done is for Alex and Jeremy to add them in a minigame update, something which is rumored to be coming soon. If the owners do really need builders to do a map update, they'll do what they do for sub-server resets and hire an external build team, but I definitely encourage you to build your own maps and submit them at https://mccentral.org/community/forums/maps/!
also dont put slabs on parts of the map where lots of people go. you cant block clutch on them. you cant mlg water bucket on them.
Personally, I think that the skywars maps are fine. At some point I agree, but personally I think that there are more important things to focus on. Please click here to submit a request. Management will not be looking for this thread here. Stay well- Cessie2u
Meh i respectfully disagree, its been around maybe 2-3ish years since the last set of maps was added, before to the disbanding of the build team. I believe it’s about time new maps be added to the server to enhance the gameplay and draw in more players. While yes, there are other things to be worked on I think at this point adding maps and having mini-game revamp is crucial. Thanks (: