FUCK Corrupt MCC staff-HDFC (Melodieee)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CryzpLorax, Oct 15, 2020.


Do you think I deserved the mute?

Poll closed May 3, 2021.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Yes (But Gard did too)

    0 vote(s)
  4. Fuck Melodieee

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. CryzpLorax

    Apr 4, 2020
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    Before you guys start to say that this is not the right place to put this kind of thread, I don't care this is the most viewed thread and had to show you guys what Mcc staff is doing. Me and a guy called Gard were having a verbal battle as he had scummed my clan from a mob madness win, I have not used any blacklisted word neither any bypass. I get muted for discrimination even though gard has literally done the same thing for 7 days, Then right after about 2 minutes of me getting muted (I was AFK) I get another message you were muted for 13 days, Then again after 5 minutes I get a message saying you were muted for 7 days. I am providing you guys with screenshots just so you guys know how biased and corrupt the staff can be. There are some very good staff members as well such as notaspleen, Ayeitsbeck, Darenn_ etc but staff like melodieee and Kryfex who falsely mute and ban people due to their friends is ruining the overall reputation. In these screenshots you will also so after Gard knowing im muted typing "Talk if you are not gay" but yet that fucking idiot Melodieee does not do anything. I do not want an unmute neither can I care enough to make an appeal to demote Melodieee as the last time I made an appeal to demote a staff member they muted a player who was toxic in chat and did not even reply to the staff report, Making this thread only so the community in general can see how idiot staff members are ruining the game. I know this thread will probably be locked etc but just remember this. After seeing the screenshots please answer the poll as well.

  2. MasterChheda

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I don't see discrimination in the screenshot (unless I'm blind), but there must be some sort of discrimination if you were muted by a witness and a chat report. If you make an appeal or ask, you could be shown the evidence to see whether it was actually false. As for the mutes, it appears the second mute (a mistake) was removed and you were re-punished for the initial 7 days. You may have been re-muted because the chat report had better evidence that could be recorded. Anyways as you said yourself, this is not the place to make these kinds of threads. The issue was resolved since the current punishment duration is in place now (with the other one removed), and if you have issues, make staff reports.
  3. CryzpLorax

    Apr 4, 2020
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    Idk if you know how to read or purposely giving this kind of answer cuz u want mod or some shit. Il show u proof of my last staff application.
    After reading my report they decide to punish the player even though I was trying to demote the staff member for unfair muted.
    Also regarding your discrimination line this is all there is nothing I am hiding the reasons you see in the screenshot are the reasons im muted.
  4. MasterChheda

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Staff get demoted based on infractions. If a staff member intentionally fails to punish, then they receive infractions. Infractions lead to a demotion. In the case you gave, the Admin Team/Mentor Team did deal with the situation. "We have now dealt with the situation" means they discussed it and "punished CrazyBlackShadow" means he was also punished since he was not previously. You don't get to know if the staff member received infractions or was talked to, so for all you know something could've happened, but just one instance of failure to punish won't lead to a demotion unless the staff member surpasses the infraction threshold.

    Also this thread will eventually get locked, so if you want to do something about your current mute, then do what you already mentioned you wouldn't do...
    Darenn likes this.
  5. CryzpLorax

    Apr 4, 2020
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    Nah my idea is more than a unmute its too expose this shitty corrupt staff
  6. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This will start useless drama, locked.​
    Amvya and MasterChheda like this.
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