/friend add

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by olo_YT, Jun 5, 2020.

  1. olo_YT

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Hey everyone,

    In this thread I will be discussing an issue with the /friend add feature on MCC that I often encounter. Basically, you can only send someone a friend request once.
    Say you really need to talk to a friend that isnt in your lobby, or tell a staff member about hackers privately, so you send them a friend request so you can have a private convo with them. But, they are afk when they receive the friend request and do not see it. You cannot resend the request.

    I find this to be very annoying and inconvenient often when playing MCC minigames like skywars, where you will often not get into the same lobby as someone you were just in a lobby with. If they do not get the first friend request I send them In order to talk to them, I may never see/talk to the player again.

    My solution to this problem is a 5-15minute cooldown on /friend adding a certain person, so this will avoid spam but also fix the problem I often encounter.

    What are your thought and opinions about this idea? Has it happened to you before?

    Thanks for reading,

    olo YT
    zzzinq and creeper7777777 like this.
  2. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Olo!

    Yes, I do find this very much annoying sometimes. Whenever I'm in a Skywars game with a staff member and I try to let them know about a hacker, I'm unable to as they either didn't accept my friend request or they were afk whenever I sent it.
    I would really love to see this get added but at the same time, I'm sure it'll get abused regardless of the cooldown you mentioned but at this point, a rule could probably get implemented to punish players who abuse the /friend add command.

    Have a good day!
    zzzinq likes this.
  3. FourNut

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I completely agree! I believe that they should allow for multiple requests sent. I don't see the point though for you can always tell them to /friend request and accept your friend request. It isn't that much of a hustle to add this in, but I believe that it should be added. To prevent someone spamming the /friend add, there should be a /friend toggle to deny all friend requests when sent.

    Have a nice day!

    zzzinq and ThorKingOfAsgard like this.
  4. s0cial_

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Hello, gamer!

    I've been reading your topic and I really agree with it, however we all know that it's annoying to just be able to send a friend request inside the server.
    However, we all also know that there is a / friend requests command and we can accept requests.
    The suggestion that I make against your topic is that we can cancel the friend request within the server and send it again, so that the player or staff knows that we have sent a request and he can accept it for good.
    Finally, I hope that your suggestion will be accepted and implemented.
    zzzinq and olo_YT like this.
  5. UrBorinq

    May 27, 2020
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    I see that you're saying to like add a faster way to just quickly talk to someone. Now with this comes more spam because you don't even need them on your friend's list, now there can be a way that you can any msg staff which would be more efficient I would say, But the reason they have a cooldown is because of the fact of someone spamming. In this time of day, you can ways ss or record and report on forums and or tell a staff member in discord which is https://discord.com/invite/9jzwQDQ, And @staffmember in the support and they usually reply quickly.
    Thank you-
    zzzinq likes this.
  6. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I can agree, I think I have sent a few friend requests when the person I have sent it too was AFK so I have to ask them to check their /friend requests pages or just wait for them to friend me which can be hard. One Idea would be cancel friend request, though that may create spam if a user does Request-Cancel-Request-Cancel etc. Another Idea which is your idea which is wait 5-15mins to send another friend request. This I agree with however even then it can still annoy players if they want to ignore it and they keep getting requested every 5-15mins, which I can see being an issue. Maybe if a Friend Request Block was introduced that might help.

    Key Points:
    • I agree with this suggestion as they might be AFK and it is hard to resend.
    • There are still a couple issues with adding this.
    • If this was to be added a Friend Request block might help as well.
    Have a Nice Day
    All The Best
    -Me :D
    zzzinq and olo_YT like this.
  7. Lexxonist

    Apr 18, 2020
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    I agree and I've had this issue too, it could also have a message that tells you on join how many friend requests you have
    olo_YT likes this.
  8. olo_YT

    Apr 16, 2020
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    I guess that is true, but what i am saying applies to many other situations as well. There are ways to limit and avoid spam as well.
  9. khoah

    Oct 27, 2019
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    I agree with this, sometimes when i'm afk, or just not paying attention, i get a friend request. I usually don't check my friend request page, so I usually just leave that person hanging by accident. If there was a cool down, this would be extremely helpful to the majority of MCC players :). Hope this gets improved and resolved soon.

    ♡♡♡ - strwbrrys - ♡♡♡
    I Discord - dakota#9713 I
  10. zzzinq

    Jun 5, 2020
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    I definitely agree with this topic, the only thing wrong if they were to add this implementation would be people getting friend requests too often. Now if they were to add a feature where you could turn off friend requests than this would be a pretty solid feature. There is a feature to where you can check all of your requests, (/friend requests) so if someone was to miss the friend request. You could meet up with them later and ask them to accept it. This is a great idea and I definitely recommend MCCentral add it with a few tweaks.

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