Forum Reports - Increasing Limit (5-7)

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by mcrcus, Sep 9, 2020.

  1. mcrcus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there everyone! So I have been thinking about this thread for a while, so I have decided to make it, and I have been thinking long and hard about this.

    Just recently (August 2nd), they created the rule that limited players to having only teams of three on Survival Games. I personally do not have a problem with this rule, I haven't ran into anybody with more than 3 people. But one thing I noticed is for forum reports. In the guidelines, they state that the max amount of people in reports is 3. I'm thinking this wouldn't work when reporting these kind of teamers on the forums, because they simply would just deny the report for having too many people, even if the team is one player over. Now you can just report these people in #support on Discord, but the chance of staff getting to them, and banning ALL of them wouldn't be low, but it wouldn't be high.

    Now, I understand that there could be an exception when reporting these people on the forums, and some people on the Reports Team would probably just except it anyways, but I thought I would just bring it to your guys attention. Now I personally haven't had this happen to me, like I said I haven't ran into 4+ people teaming on SG, so I don't know when this will ever come into play, but it doesn't hurt to increase the amount of people allowed in a report. We could probably just increase to 5-7 because the highest team I've seen is 7, (before the teaming rule was implemented).

    Thank you for reading this thread, I am open to all opinions in the comments, just as long as you keep them positive.


    puposaurus likes this.
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello! so the guidelines states 3 min as a, like, way to keep evidence short and easy for reports team members to get to the point of the rule breaker; however, you can give evidence over 3 min if you give time stamps or you can cut multiple vids up into 3min clips/increments (but that’s kinda gay so um don’t, but no forcement. Do WhT You do beST).
    me, personally, i have submitted vids that were even 6min and included time stamps and the report was accepted.
    for things like teaming in survival games, i think the route to go would just to give your evidence then be like @ 0:03 you see them then from 0:04-1:12 they spilt up but wanted to include so vid didn’t look edited
    ^ that has worked for me

    as far as the suggestion itself goes, i can see both sides why it would be good and why reports team might be hesitant to implement this. as for why it’s good, some things can’t all be captured in 3 min if it’s something like ghosting or teaming or acc grinding (moreso if the gameplay offences) so having that extra room to include evidence helps. but for somethings like hacking videos for ssw a 7mun video might be kinda long when there’s only a 30s bit of the hacker flying and a reports team member wouldn’t know til it’s there n such- like, for simplier things like blatant hacks it’d be a little frustrating for staff since a long video wouldn’t be needed

    overall i’d +1 or rather +0 but have it be an open option for players to have if it’s something like a gameplay offence :)

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