For the reports team

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Eleung_musk, Jul 24, 2020.

  1. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    This is specially for the reports team. The team that gets the most hate because players are banned because of them. However, they do good things too like help out in banning blatant hackers and even though they can’t catch all of them, at least they do a half decent job(best compliment I’ll give).

    So this will be for the ‘Report players’ section. So how the player report system currently works is that it’s sorted from newest to oldest. It’s basically how any other forum works just they accept it and move on with the posts. It’s a good system but it’s never organised.

    So I propose that when a player gets reported, if there are 3 or more reports on the same player, then a ‘folder’ is created where it shows the report. Why is this good? So they can respond quicker and don’t have to spend a lot of time looking to see if each individual person is banned. Sure, they use shortcuts but from one of the videos reported, they can show if the player is hacking or not and they don’t have to observe other reports. They will still need to check if the evidence is sufficient but it’ll be way faster knowing that this player is banned and just replying with the same message.

    I’m thinking it’ll save a lot of time because they can easily run through reports knowing this player is banned, then moving on to the next folder. Now, I don’t think it’s too hard to code, I’m not a coder myself but I’ve been given a little bit of advise as to how it could work. In the report forum, there is a line you have to put which is ‘reported player’ which is basically their username. All they need to do is sort it by ‘reported player’. It may sound easy but I don’t doubt it’ll at least encounter some type of problem.

    The owners will probably not do anything because they’re too busy anyway but there’s always a bit of hope.
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hey! would first like to state that i don't really have a place to speak on this manner since im not a reports team member and have known a few and most that i mention is based off what i've heard them tell me or what i see..
    although this idea sounds cool, i think some reports team members do something similar. since, if a player is already punished, then a message will pop up saying that they were already punished in chat (after running /punish), so based off what one reports team member told me, he just copy pastes his accepted macro for a page (20 reports) then does the prefixes all in a row like bam bam bam.and if a player is already punished, they told me that they don't always look at evidence and just put the accepted macro and change prefix.. also, at one point in time (not sure if anyone does this), but some reports team members would clean sw and as they punished a player, they'd look in reports and just do the macro stuff...

    i think while in scheme of things is sounds nice n such, but also i think it just adds more layers with reports.. with forums being changed a bit over a year now, i think reportsteam has found a system that works for them to efficiently do reports.
    again, i don't really have any place to speak for them, its an assumption based offf what ive heard and seen from reports team members blah blah

    anwyays have a great day

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