
Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Nikki_, Sep 4, 2019.

  1. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    hello all!
    Today I was playing on prison mining in /warp pvp, and someone was saying they were doing a dp. Assuming it was a scam, I kinda was ready for it, however having /fly, I can usually avoid most death traps. The problem was, since I was in pvp, it was automatically disabled. This meant that when I was victim to a fall death trap, I died and lost all my things. What I am saying is not complaining about death trapping, rather that MCC fixes the plug in so that when /fly is enabled, you can still fly without re-doing the command to re-enable it after leaving pvp. Does that make sense? basically, the way it should work is that if you have /fly enabled, you just can not fly in pvp, but can still fly after leaving without re-enabling it. I say this because players like me bought a rank to avoid scams, but having to re type the command every time you leave pvp is sometimes frustrating and can cost donators their kits, tokens or other valuables.
    Nikki <3
    Zonafer likes this.
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hoii. nikki. this scenario has happened to me more than my finger can count (so like 10+ times). And although this idea seems super cool i don’t really think it should be added.

    You can easily avoid this by depositing your items into a /chest or /ec and/or going into spawn or your plot to quickly do /fly
    also, it’s kinda on the player for falling for it. I know you said this post wasn’t about that you got death trapped, but jusss wanted to share those.

    I really don’t see the harm in adding it or whatever, i just don’t like the idea. sometimes when i get outa pvp i don’t like to be immediately flying n’ such.
    Another reason why is since most people who regally pvp go outa pvp and directly to their plots, at least the pvp’rs that i know, and that would p much insure ‘em not dying from fall.
    But also, i feel that big where people can start flying w/o hacks can come back like in season 1 and 5. This is since your ability of fly would automatically connect to you, rather than a message like “you can’t use this command here”. like maybe if you “/back” into pvp or something. idk

    now that the part where i sound like a clueless dummy is done, i for some questions about how this would work.
    would the plugin/server or whatever kinda get confused and think say if you’re in pvp for a long time and then when you get out the server forgets you’re in /fly or smt.
    what if you were to log outa pvp w/o going to a plot or spawn: you just do “/hub” while in pvp area.. when you logged back on would u still have fly enabled kinda like in lobbies?
    other than deathtraps n’ such like why would this be kinda nescessary

    overall, i kinda don’t like this idea and disagree about having it be implemented ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ // -1

    have a poopoo day
    Swaggle likes this.
  3. Airpxds

    Aug 25, 2019
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    I think this is a decent idea though I don't think it will make it on to this server. The current problem has a simple fix though: Always clear your inventory at your plot before you go to someone else’s plot. Or remember to do /fly after you leave PVP.
  4. W5vil

    Jul 23, 2019
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    yeah i agree nikki_ i think that would be great. I am hoping that they will fix some issues with thing later on and maybe do a whole bunch of minor fixes and help out the lag with the next reset.
  5. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I love the idea, and while I haven't really fallen victim to such a scam, I do know that lots of people do, and often get very upset over it. It wouldn't really hurt to be implemented, in my opinion; if you don't want to fly right out of PvP, just type /fly. It's much easier to forget whether or not you are in fly mode, and that can cause problems. Hope this gets added at some point! +1
  6. Swaggle

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello! I love this idea and I've definitely had the same thing happen to me before, not with deathtraps but simply falling a number of blocks and forgetting that I had /fly disabled! I would love to see something like this implemented to help save some lives in the process but I'm not sure if it would be entirely worth it to the admin team or the owners. I would love to see this considered though as you're getting a lot of positive feedback. Thank you for posting and have a lovely rest of your day. ♡
  7. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    There's nothing to "fix", the plugins work exactly as intended. You enter the pvp region, it disables flight. Though I do agree that it should re-enable once you leave pvp.

    The way flight works is with the player's NBT data, it's just a simple true/false value stored on you. When you /fly, it switches that to true, and you can fly. When you enter pvp, it sets it to false, and you can't anymore. They would need to make a custom plugin (or an add-on to an existing one) to make it re-enable once you leave pvp. Would be nice to see this added to all sub-servers that have /fly as a donator perk.
  8. fouffy

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Well I wouldn't tp to anyone then unless you go to spawn first. Go somewhere to where you CAN enable flight before sending a tpa request to anyone. It could be an easy fix, however it also can be easily avoidable.

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