Flawed Filter

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Tyler M, Apr 22, 2020.


Should MCC fix the filter in the ways listed?

  1. Yes

    1 vote(s)
  2. No

    4 vote(s)
  1. Tyler M

    Apr 12, 2020
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    I feel that the current filter in MCC is flawed. I think that the fact that you can say f*** but not sex is improper and should be edited ASAP. I was muted in MCC for saying it was flawed and at the time. Anyway, if a staff member could either filter the word f*** and s*** or get rid of the filter altogether.
  2. creeper7777777

    Jul 23, 2019
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    They filter most of the words that they have to. I agree, the f word should also be filtered, although they mostly aim for words that are derogatory, discriminatory, or offensive. It's just a good idea to not swear at all when you speak in chat, and instead settle disputes in a more diplomatic way. If you still feel like you need to swear to get a point across, at least do /blacklistcheck <word> to check if it's blacklisted. You can always /chatreport someone for using blacklisted words. There are more rules regarding swearing, though, such as excessive swearing being a mutable offense. Not all, but most of the swear words that are offensive are blacklisted. I wouldn't say the system is flawed, though. They allow swearing, but not offensive or dehumanizing swearing, which allows expression of feelings, but not discrimination.

    About your mute, you can send an appeal at https://mccentral.org/community/forums/appeals/, if you don't believe you said any blacklisted word.
  3. Pinkapie

    Mar 5, 2020
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    Hi Tyler!
    I really don't agree with you for many reasons. First of all, I personally think that those words are fine to be allowed. No, they aren't the nicest words but they aren't terrible. I really do believe that those words being filtered wouldn't make the community any better. I could see tons of players getting upset over this and it would also lead to more rule breaking and more bypassing, therefore more punishments. These words are quite common and also used in tons of abbreviations such as "wtf", and not to mention tons of players everyday lives. MCCentral wants to give their players some freedom with what they can say and these words are a part of that freedom. In another thread, someone mentioned that when a player joins a game, they are consenting that the chat may or may not contain explicit language and content. Also, as creeper said, you can always do /blacklistcheck [word] while in game so you can prevent yourself from getting muted next time. I don't think the system is flawed. I think the system is fine as it is and I believe that these words being allowed is fine as well.
    Have a lovely day <3
    GLOCKPRINCESS likes this.
  4. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    Honestly I feel like no matter what you try to do to change the way people talk is going to be useless. People are always going to find ways to say that word, or try to hurt people in different ways. I do feel like there should be punishments though. People need to know the consequences of their actions. Regardless if no words were blacklisted people should know what words to mention in private/ in public. And you really got to think before you say stuff in public, without having the warning that's a bad word/ comment to say when you should already know that. I feel like this does not only apply to people over 18 but also under 18. As this generation is trying to be more like an "adult" like, they know the meanings of "mature" (cussing, sex releated comments) words. And they know what not to say in front of their mama. Therefore I feel like there should be no warnings, and be automatically muted depending on the conversation.
  5. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    Like i said in the post, regardless if no words were blacklisted people should know what words to mention in private/ in public. Maybe if you lost a game and it slipped out of your mouth that would be fine. But if you say it on chat with a bunch of 12 year olds, there will be consequences.

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