Fix The Blacklist Filter

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Tyler M, Apr 30, 2020.


Should MCC fix the filter in the ways listed?

  1. Yes

    1 vote(s)
  2. No

    4 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Tyler M

    Apr 12, 2020
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    Recently I was muted for a second for Filter Bypass and I feel that the reason both times was for saying words that shouldn't be blacklisted. The first time I was muted for CRITICIZING the filter. At the time I didn't know what forums were and couldn't fix it. BUT I AM HEARING FROM PLAYERS THAT THE STAFF DONT GIVE A CRAP IF YOU REPORT A PROBLEM WITH THE RULES ON FORUMS. So anyway the problem I have with the blacklist is that words like *** and fuck arent blacklisted but butthole and PP are! So please fix the filter or get rid of it altogether. Thanks -Me
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello! i can understand where your frustrations are coming from; however, majority of the blacklisted words are things like racial, discriminatory, and explicit words. not so much swear words like "fuck" and "shit" and same applies for the forums. you can always use the command "/blacklistcheck <word>" to check, but also, saying the blacklisted words stops you from saying it in chat.. getting muted for saying words that you did not know were blacklisted like "pp" or "butthole", i'm sure, can make players frustrated especially since saying words like that doesn't stop you like it does when players attempt saying the actual blacklisted word- but, again, those still bypass the real versions of those words that are already blacklisted.
    i'm not really sure what you mean by "fixing the filter" since there has to be a line where the server blacklists inappropriate words (such as racial & discriminatory words/slurs and explicit words) but also not blacklisted every word where chat is just some boring ol' joe kinda chat. again, cuss and swear words are allowed, but not the discriminatory and explicit ones, if that makes sense...

    maybe be a little more specific on what exactly you mean by "fix the filter". for now, i feel that the filter works alright as it is now, and i overall -1 your suggestion
    have a great day
    stiva likes this.
  3. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    This topic is constantly brought up between my friend and I. I do understand people's frustration as there are some words which in my opinion should be blacklisted yet are not. In my opinion, I feel that the filter should be reworked and updated because it's kind of silly of the words that can be said vs the ones that can't be. Staff do take into account players feelings on hot topics and I'm sure if many people swing in a direction on this thread we will get our answer.
    Just my take on it
    - Elecctricc
  4. _Noxid

    Mar 30, 2020
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    There are some words that are blacklisted that shouldn't be, but words like "butthole" are blacklisted so they aren't used in a sexually explicit manner while talking in the chat.

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