Fix Skyblock envoys

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by xpuma1x, Jun 3, 2021.


Skyblock chest envoy way

Poll closed Jun 15, 2021.
  1. I like the current epearl / tp back tactic

  2. i disgust people who do this

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  1. xpuma1x

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Currently during chest envoys in skyblock /warp pvp 90% of the players are epearling from the safezone towards a chest and instant tping back. There is no chanse for players in the field, trying to get chest envoys like its supposed to be or to catch those nasty pearlers fast enough...

    Players are also using epearl / invisbility potion tactic to epearl to every god damn chest..

    This is not how Chest envoys should be, Partipicants should remain in /warp pvp zone for a longer duration than what is going on now.. This is very frustrating and kinda lame way to get envoys..

    Find an alternative or barrier blocks at /warp pvp please..
  2. ehoeian

    Sep 1, 2019
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    I agree that it is quite annoying and seemingly unfair for players to be using the epearl /warp pvp tactic. Although it can be frustrating for you to "miss" envoy chests in the Warzone, they aren't meant to be a main source of revenue/items. I don't think there is a reason to change the ways envoys are done because they aren't a good source of items. If the amount of envoy chests during the event was decreased to 10, like in Factions, and the loot was loot included increased in value, then maybe there could be some type of way to disrupt the common tactic of pearling and instantly warping out.

    Envoys are good early season, because the loot in them is desirable at that point of the map. Don't stress too much on envoys during late(r) season because they don't provide any value to more experienced players.

    SplatBerry, DomoMini and Martiinn like this.
  3. Minninq

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey there,

    I am not familiar with this concept of the pearls used but based on what you described it does sound quite annoying, however, I don't really think of a way you could fix this I mean barrier blocks at /warp pvp wouldn't help they would drop down and pearl instantly, etc. I don't think there would be a way to fix it if you got an idea you can drop it in there also I think envoys could stay the same as well unless you got a really good idea. ​
  4. YogurtHero

    Jul 24, 2019
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    The envoys give you shit items anyways, why do you care?
  5. xpuma1x

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I care cause thats not how u are supposed to battle for envoys. i know well enough the loot in the chests are quite shit..
    SplatBerry likes this.
  6. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey xpuma1x,

    You raise valid points.

    In the older PvP maps, it was more spread out, so you literally couldn't camp on top of /warp PVP and pearl to the chests.
    Invisibility potions, in my opinion, are perfectly valid.

    An option would simply be to make envoy chests require you to have been in a PvP zone for at least X seconds before opening any chests.
    This would stop the ability of players to be able to pearl in and /warp pvp out, as they'd have to wait for a period of time before being able to open chests.

    On the flip side; in the early season, the people who dominate envoy chests are those who burn through keys and get lots of P5 S6 items.
    Perhaps PVP needs a rework; such as removal of P5 and S6, and nerfing of Str2.

    PVP on Prison seems a lot more active despite having no P5 and S6 or potion effects. Perhaps this is what Skyblock needs; as it's very easy to bully people in PVP on Skyblock with maxed gear.
    Nikki_, xEthzn, xpuma1x and 1 other person like this.
  7. SplatBerry

    Sep 8, 2019
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    I definitely see what you are saying. I do think it should be you have to battle to get out, and maybe there could be a change where you have to wait only 1 second to teleport out of pvp. I would love having it like in KitPVP when someone opens an envoy you can fight them. This would be a better system for envoys.
    Thanks, :)
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