Filter Bypass

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by TeddyPrice, Sep 24, 2020.

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  1. TeddyPrice

    Dec 25, 2019
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    Something i have never understood is why dont we use the filter to stop words like “pp” getting into chat in the first place. There are already certain words that stop your message entirely if it contains that word so whats the difference with the bypasses. I saw another thread and some staff said that there was no reason to use “pp” in chat at all, i agree with that, so why not just filter it out lol. If we’re not allowed to say it, then make it so we cant say it at all. This would help time with staff answering chatreports and the players who say it by accident (and there are some, most aren't by accident but some are).

    There’s probably some reason why this isn't in place so if there is, please just let me know. This has always been in the back of my mind so I wanted to make a suggestion lol.
  2. Lxvely

    Jul 25, 2020
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    Hi there!

    I believe the biggest reason that this isn't already in place is that there is far too many alternate bypassing-versions of blacklisted words for them to all be inputted as filter triggers. Because there is so many different, minutely changed, ways to spell or alter a single word it would be impractical to expect every one of them to be on the blacklist. That is why the filter bypass rule exists - to cover the alternate versions. Hope this helps to clarify!

    Have a lovely day! :)
  3. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Literally as per what Lxvely said.

    As we add more filters, more bypasses are created, so it becomes a cat and mouse game of following up all newly created bypasses.
    Likewise, the more stricter we make it, the more it has a chance to filter regular chat.
    In its current state, it does a good job of stopping blatant words, and staff follow up by muting those who intentionally bypass the filter.

    No point in having to constantly adjust the filter simply because people can't help typing the wrong thing; especially considering that people type things knowing full well that they aren't allowed to type the other word that they just got filtered for.
    mxbel and Lxvely like this.
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