Favourite Subservers

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nikki_, May 10, 2020.

  1. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hola! I'm just wondering what your favorite subservers are! Here are my opinions on them since I play all of them!
    Skyblock: I absolutely love skyblock. Its great fun, especially since its more of a team game, as opposed to other subservers apart from factions. I love farming, spawners, quests, and all of it! I think it's great how you can have a team and really work with those people.

    Creative: Personally, I think creative is alright, though I'm not much of a builder. It might just be me, but I feel like creative is stuck in 2018. A lot of players stopped playing creative, and it is almost never busy. I miss being able to actually play an RP with a significant amount of players, so I'm stuck with my own terrible building skills and that's about it.

    Kit PvP: I'm not much of a PvPer, so I don't PvP in kit often. I usually go online to claim my kits, keep the gapples and give everything else to rookies since they will have a better chance against others with my gear. Other than that, I just run around. I feel like Kit PvP is not my type of scene since I'm a very calm person, but a lot of the good players are not, though this is just my opinion.

    Arena PvP: Due to my bad timezone, I'm never on arena pvp at its busiest, since its most likely at 2 am for me. I find Arena alright, however since I'm bad at PvP, I just play unranked duels. Other than that, I run around the treetops at the spawn, and /spec for hackers if there are any.

    Prison: Since I mostly played Prison when I first joined MCC all those years ago, I have always enjoyed it. I remember my early days, getting insided by my friend when I was like 12, and all the old things. I love how Prison has evolved and changed over the seasons, and it is a unique server full of players advertising their ore shops.

    Survival: Last year I really got into Survival, I believe it was the season before the current one. I was new to it, but I loved fishing, going to the nether to explore, and mining. I was all about it. I seem to have drifted from it a bit, but I still fish on it occasionally.

    Factions: I have absolutely no idea how to play factions. I do not understand how claims work, how to raid, or any of that. I do spend an abnormal amount of time on their, however, which may be odd considering I do not know how to play. When I go on, I mostly just mine in /wild, which I'm perfectly happy doing.

    I want to hear your opinions! Reply below <3
    TheKingOfTurtlez likes this.
  2. FourNut

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I play all sub-servers, and I have dislikes and likes about each and every one of them!

    Creative: I am personally a big builder, and I love to build different things. I used to build amazing maps, different builds, mega structures in my free time, but now a days I do not have that time. At /p h FourNut 2 I have a plot creation built from my imagination, and I spent around 9 hours straight building it. I absolutely love building and it is one of my favorite things to do besides PvP.

    KitPvP: I personally do not like KitPvP for when you jump down you always seem to die very quickly. If you do not have decent gear you can die very quickly. I personally don't enjoy my time in KitPvP because of those reasons.

    ArenaPvP: I ABSOLUTELY LOVE ArenaPvP.! ArenaPvP is by far my favorite sub-server and I see myself spending a lot of my time in Build UHC and I see myself always busy in the sub-server. I love this sub-server for all of it's qualities. As a said before, I love to PvP, and I mostly do unranked duels, and at times /spec hackers as well :D

    Prisons: I used to main prisons from 2016-2018, and the only sub-server I would play is Prisons. I absolutely love prisons as well for I find it very satisfying to have millions of millions of dollars. Since I used to main Prisons I always would see myself in there constantly pvping, or grinding in /warp donator for money.

    Survival: I used to play a lot of survival, but now a days, since there is a 1.12 thing, it causes me lag since I only play on 1.8 or 1.8.9. Since then I do not see myself ever playing survival again (maining it at least) but I do play on and off again.

    Factions: I personally enjoy factions for I love the idea of competitive gameplay, and I love the idea for racing to number #1 Of the newest seasons, my friend has gotten me really into factions, so I have been really enjoying it so far!

    Have a nice day!

    Nikki_ likes this.
  3. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I'm a fan of kitpvp even though I'm quite bad at it.
    There's a nice community within this particular sub server despite the toxicity some players demonstrate.
    I typically play minigames though and have found that I have
    improved immensely at the pvp aspect of them thanks to kitpvp.

    In terms of other sub servers, I rarely play them, though I always enjoyed factions when I had the time for it.
  4. ThorKingOfAsgard

    Oct 19, 2019
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    Hey, @Nikki_ I play all the sub servers like creative, survival, factions, prisons, sky block, kit PVP, arena PVP, and of coarse minigames.
    The reason why I like creative because I like building some cool builds. Especially like building some beautiful landscapes that will take an extremely long time to create in survival. Also, I like creative is that you can get player heads which I use the ones that look like decoration for like a house. I also like creative because it is a 1.12.2 version of Minecraft instead of being 1.8.9 version of Minecraft which we will have more blocks and better features. The reason why I like survival because I do like building but I get to survive and collect the materials need to build something. For instance, I go to the resource world and chop a lot of wood to be able to construct my survival base. I also like survival because it is a 1.12.2 version of Minecraft instead of being 1.8.9 version of Minecraft which we will have more blocks and better features. The reason why I like factions is because it is fun and also it is challenging. Even though I am terrible at factions I still enjoy playing it. I like to join Ftop factions, for instance, two seasons ago I was apart of the Airbus faction which I had so much fun. The reason why I like prisons is that there is a ton of grinding, for instance, you have to mine to be able to upgrade your upgradable pickaxe. Also, I like the shop that prisons offer and I built a beautiful nordic house which was my base in the previous season of prisons. The reason why I sky block is because I start on a small island. Then as I progress and making the island bigger with crops and all that and also I am part of Earthlorax's Island. The reason I like minigames is that they are fun especially when I play with my friends. Overall those are my favorite sub servers and have yourself a wonderful day or night.
    Nikki_ likes this.
  5. stiva

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hey! the only sub server that i usually play is creative. i don’t even build, i just run in circles and talk in the chat because there usually is something interesting going on and it’s fairly easy to become friends with a lot of people since creative is a fairly small community. some may say that the chat is toxic. they are correct. that’s what i love about creative.
    Nikki_ likes this.
  6. Karl Robin

    Aug 6, 2019
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    My favorite is factions.
    - Because there is always a fun enclosed community behind each competitive faction and just the adrenaline to raiding and sometimes the toxicness lets u take the time oit with real life problems.
    Nikki_ likes this.
  7. Dionnysus

    Mar 3, 2020
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    Hey There!

    The first few months when I played this server I only played creative and build alot. When I joined the other subservers I found myself enjoying those alot aswell. Here is my opinion on all of them :D

    Survival: I don't really go for BalTop on survival, I like to help out starting players by just giving them the starting stuff they need to get a good head start and I like building farms aswell. Awesome and helpfull community. Since I don't play Minecraft for that long I have found survival incredibly usefull to expand my knowledge about the game.

    Creative: Absolutely love building on my plots. I think I've spend the most time on this subserver and try to improve with every new plot I make. I have 4 plots that made it to spawn right now and am currently working at my 5th which is at /p h Dionnysus 6.
    I don't like things like RP's and SkinCompetitions, nor do I like talking in chat all the time. I just want to focus on my builds. Most of the time the creative community is really nice to me allthough there is some toxicity in the chat sometimes.

    Prison: I used to play alot of prison at the start of the new season but when I got scammed and lost almost all my earnings I didn't enjoy playing anymore really. I might start again if there will be a new reset, or when I want to grind.

    ArenaPvP: I like ArenaPvP to play it for just a few minutes but not for hours. Sometimes I just go to diamond/iron/archer/uhc unranked and try to get better at PvP

    Skyblock: The skyblock community is incredibly nice and since someone randomly donated me 250,000$ I have the freedom to just build whatever I want. Our island is full of random things and build. right now we are buildings Up's house.

    Factions: Played factions for 60 minutes and just quit by the incredible toxic chat and players. I don't really like being in such a salty environment. I also have no idea how all those commands work.

    KitPvP: Kinda alright. Played it a few times but don't really enjoy it that much. I'll only play this when there are some friends online who want to play this.
    Nikki_ likes this.
  8. Mauricioh

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello! I play some of them but I would love to give my opinion about them all, as I've played pretty much all of them in the past.

    SkyBlock: I used to play SkyBlock a lot back in 2018 and a little bit in 2019, it used to be so fun as I played with my friends, so we would just call and then grind together. I also loved hosting a Drop Event and just grinding items for it, it was pretty fun. This year, I haven't played it that much, I just started my island so I wouldn't say I'm totally stable right now, as it isn't my focus at the moment.

    Creative: I love Creative so much, I love to build even though I'm not good at it at all, but I build a hotel once with my friends and it looks really cool, I just love it so much. I usually go on Creative just to build some stuff when I feel inspired, I also love playing with my friends there, they help me a lot. I also have a Maze Event warp that I made a while ago for Community Events Team, and it was just nice to build it. If you'd like to see more about it just /p h Mauricioh 2, it took me kind of a long time to make it, but it was totally worth it at the end. :)

    KitPvP: KitPvP is my favorite sub-sever so far right now. I'm really hyped with the new season as they added back the /fix all feature, which was one of the main reasons that made me kind of give up on KitPvP last season. I just love it so much as I'm totally a PvP dude, I love leveling up and grinding there, can't say much about it because I just enjoy playing there. Even though I'm not such a high levelled player, I'm still getting the hang of the new season, and being online more often. I've been spreading my minutes out so it kind of made it complicated, but I'm still going to get back to it as soon as possible.

    ArenaPvP: Arena is really nice, even though it used to reach more players. I usually go there to practice my PvP skills or just 2v2/3v3/4v4 with my friends. I normally play BuildUHC, which is my favorite gamemode, but I also like playing Diamond and SG. There's nothing much to say about it, really, there isn't much you can do unless you play ranked games, which isn't my case.

    Prison: Prison is my second favorite sub-server, Bruno and I have started getting back to it, trying to rank up, but it's been hard as we have pretty much lost this season, so I'm really hyped for the next one, I'll try to rank up as much as I can, and hopefully will have a good reputation there. Overall it's a great sub-server, honestly, the gamemode is pretty cool, I love mining and grinding with mobspawners. If you'd like to grind on a really competitive sub-server, I totally recommend Prison.

    Survival: I used to play Survival a lot back in 2018 when I was helping someone get items for a Drop Event. I don't like the gamemode that much so I guess that's why I haven't played that much, also it's kind of hard to go to every sub-server and have so much stuff on them, so when I get on Survival I do the basic stuff. I will probably try to play more on the next season though!

    Factions: I haven't really played Factions lately, to be honest. I haven't really tried to play because my friends and I don't really like the gamemode, I find it a little bit too hard and the rules are really strict. I remember that I tried to play with Nath, Bruno and Ivan once, but it really didn't go that well ahahhaha. So yeah, but maybe I can give it a shot sometime? xD

    Have a lovely rest of your day! :)
    Nikki_ likes this.
  9. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    OOooo yay be prepared for a wall of text!

    I love Skyblock a ton, I created an island that originally was just going to be played solo until reset however then I met you! And thus our Mentee island was born! I said it before and I'll say it again, while I love the grind of Skyblock, I don't want to make any large scale projects from now as the reset will clear everything anyways, instead at the moment I am getting plans for what our next island should have/ look like! :)

    Prison: I go onto prison every once awhile, it's a nice place for me to just relax to some music, only thing I don't like is that scamming is allowed and every once awhile I'll see someone complaining about it, I've made it a personal choice to when I see a rookie that has no money and has lost their items do a death trap to give them one of my kit pickaxes or something equivalent. Other than that, I like mining at insanely fast speeds and ranking up to the top. Someday I'll be up there! :)

    Creative: I love creative, creative is such a nice place, I've made such good friends on creative and spend alot of time there creating new designs for suggestions to put here onto the forums! A special someone likes criticizing my builds but she also spends alot of time helping me learn how to build and do world edit and now I actually know how to use the commands correctly! I am trying to make a cool biome per plot and so far it's coming along very well! :)

    Survival: While I don't usually go on creative that much I like going to socialize with the survival community every once awhile and exploring the overworld for anything interesting. Would be nice to see some love come to survival soon from the development team and I hope that's already underway!

    Those are my personal favourites when it comes to subservers, and when I'm not on a minigame I'll probably be in one of them.
    - Elecctricc
    Nikki_ likes this.
  10. LendingGalaxy

    Aug 7, 2019
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    Hello! People went chaotic here so I mind as well do it too! (Top 3)

    Prison: Most favorite subserver, I mainly do it for pvp and the grinding aspect of the game. I always loved prison servers as they are just relaxing most of the time and there's a wide variety of things to do. On top of that, it's an OP Prison which is so much better then non OP prisons, which are just slow progressing which is very annoying in my opinion. Top playtime here was probably 1.5k minutes.

    Factions: Factions is just another ok im too lazy to build anything or do anything, ill just join a faction and just do what they wan't. It's really fun raiding bases and helping out with raids, but I really do suck with cannoning purposes, I can patch and pvp and put people in traps ect, but that's about it. It's my 2nd most favorite subserver even though I don't play often.

    Skyblock: This would be my third. I just like chilling out with random people here and just grinding and having fun with friends here. I never was really in a competitive skyblock but I just enjoy the peacefulness\. Defentily a server to release stress out on.

    Have a great day/night :)
    Nikki_ likes this.
  11. Lxyne

    Apr 28, 2020
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    Hey, Nikki_

    I'm loving this post to see all the different players opinions of each sub-server. It's very unique.

    Skyblock: Skyblock has never been a favourite sub-server of mine. I've rarely played much of it. I only tried once but halfway through the season my team sort of quit and we all stopped bothering with it. I do love the concept of it though. I may try to get a team together for a future reset.

    Creative: I'm not a builder and I certainly don't have much creativity, however, I do enjoy Creative every once in a while. The community on Creative are fun to chat with and I seem to get along with a majority of the players there. I'm also a bit of a master at skin comps somehow. I participated in a few the other week and won a large majority of them (not sure if they were rigged or not). I remember in the early days of Minecraft Central back in 2014-2015 I used to make a bunch of rail tracks to ride around on. I imagined them as rollercoasters.

    KitPvP: I've always been interested in KitPvP. I feel bad for saying it but something about demolishing rookies in unbeatable armour is rather satisfying. I've never really been a hardcore player of KitPvP nor am I the best PvPer around but I do enjoy it. I've been an on and off player since 2014-2015. I think my most played season would've been 3.0 as it reset just before I obtained staff for the first time and didn't reset until nearly a whole year later. So, I spent many hours on Kit watching for hackers as well as PvPing. Since coming back to MCC in late April this year, I'm a bit disappointed with how KitPvP is now. The fact /ec is no longer available while combat tagged is silly and players are extremely toxic and aggressive. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be playing Kit too much anymore unless something changes.

    ArenaPvP: When ArenaPvP was first released it was really popular. Then a few months later, it just started to lose players. I played it a little bit back when it was first released but since arriving back to MCC I haven't even investigated what it's like. I have a similar problem to you - my timezone. There's never anyone on Arena when I'm online making it extraordinarily difficult to find anyone to vs.

    Prison: Prison is my original sub-server and still to this day my favourite sub-server. I first joined Prison back in 2014-15. When 1.0 was still happening. I wasn't the most active player back then but I do remember a lot. I loved the spawn in 1.0. You spawn in, run out to the main area where the PvP arena was in the middle of spawn and you'd drop down into this massive underground pit. Lots of drop parties at spawn back then. My favourite and most played Prison reset is hands down 2.0. I loved how big and open the spawn was, I loved the PvP arena how you could run around the entire arena to spectate fights. I loved the players of Prison 2.0. I had my sell shop which had the best prices on the server. How do I know that? Because I wouldn't make any profit from it LOL. I have tons of awesome memories in Prison 2.0 that I could ramble on for hours about. I wasn't a massive fan of 3.0 which is when they changed everything about Prison. They added in spawners a crappy new spawn and a wilderness area. Since then I feel like the current Prison season is quite balanced. The owners have found a way to incorporate mining and sell shops back into Prison with spawners not having to be a massive necessity (especially in the earlier ranks). I'm enjoying the current season and look forward to what future resets bring.

    Survival: Survival has never really been a major sub-server of mine but I do have some good memories from it and I like the concept of it. My first time playing Survival I believe would've been in 2015-2016 for 2.0. I loved the spawn and the community back then were quite chill but had a bit of toxicity from time to time. I have good memories from Survival as it's a good sub-server to mess around on with friends, like just two nights ago I spent an hour and a half with friends in the wilderness just messing about. I've never really tried at Survival because I've never really been able to find an end goal for it.

    Factions: I've never enjoyed Factions and have never played it. It's way too competitive and has a record for having an extremely toxic community. I'm generally just not interested in the gameplay side of things. I've never really been into any games that have this sort of concept. You spend hours and hours building up a base, buying spawners etc. Just to be raided and lose a lot if not all of your progress. It's just not the game mode for someone like me. Like you, I also have no idea about the mechanics, claims etc. for Factions. #ThankGoshForFactionsStaff

    Cheers, Layne.
    Nikki_ likes this.
  12. TheKingOfTurtlez

    Nov 30, 2019
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    Hey there! I am currently trying to spread out my minutes on the server so I can get to know more of the server population, I mainly play Skyblock 2, Factions and minigames tho. Those are my favorite sub servers and here is why:

    Skyblock 2: I have played skyblock 2/3 since around season 2 or 3. Although I am not playing currently, I am waiting for the reset to come out and THEN I will be playing that and have over 33% of my minutes be on there because it is a very very fun and nice place to be! There is little to no toxicity and everyone knows each other! It's very fun to play on and you can have fun while interacting with chat that doesn't go to fast.

    Factions: I like factions because its a place where people can be competitive. Although it can be very toxic at times, i think that people know about where its to far, and if it goes to far, people will let them know it went to far. It's a very fun server especially being in the CatMilkers (/f who catmilkers and apply in discord) and they just bring a sense of you can do what you need to do if you want to. If I had to recommend a server to play factions on it would be this server.

    Mini-games: I play lots of mini-games, all except for Champ builder. I suck at building 1 and 2 it's just not fun when nobody plays. SSW is the mini-game I play the most, it has many hackers, but it helps me get my reports done and is an easy way to get reports if you need them and are trying to apply for staff. The next most played mini-game by me is Murder Mayhem. Its a chill place where you can just hang out and solve the mystery of who the killer is and then execute them! My 3rd favorite mini-game would have to be Speedy walls (With Chilo_ that is). Speedy walls, although it takes a long time to start up, is very fun if you have friends to play with. Its very fun to mine and find iron and diamonds, craft gear and see who can fight to the end!

    Creative: Although I didn't put this in the "favorites" category, i still really like creative! (Go to my 7th plot /p h TheKingOfTurtlez 7 ) I love building things that have 0 point to them and its fun for me to just sit and build! I like building on creative because its a place where your mind can do anything, and its just up to your imagination of what you can build!

    Thanks for reading! And Have a great day

  13. Simplistiq

    May 4, 2020
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    hey there!

    My personal favorite sub server is skyblock, the community is good. The people are super friendly and it’s a good think to start up with friends. Me and my friends enjoy it and find it super fun. Hope to see you around! :)
    TheKingOfTurtlez likes this.

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