Hey, I am curious to some of you’re favorite mccentral memories and stories. Im gonna shade my personal favorite, back in 2016 (pretty sure not positive) my friend and I were in a call and we joined the server and we went and played some survival games. (this was my first time in the server). We kept paying matches and losing. Then one match we survived off of spawn and we didn’t have much look. We camped until death match. Then, death match came and it was a 2v1. And me and my friend 2v1 him and we won the game. That game is knew that this server was super fun and I was gonna enjoy it. Now share some of your guys stories as i’m curious to hear!
Hey, I would say my favourite memory I had in mcc was back when I first started playing Prison. Prison was such a big deal to a lot of people back then and it was such a positive environment. Through prison I made so many friends and I couldn't be more thankful for it. I remember back then, everytime someone who's known joins the prison server people would always say "hi" or "wb" and I honestly just love that as everyone was so friendly towards each other. Love, Floir
Hey again, iluvhotmoms. I can't say I've got a specific favourite memory due to how many memories I have on Minecraft Central. However, I'm relating to Floir's (aka Txea) memory though. Prison was my most played sub-server back in 2016-2017 during the season 2.0. I was very well known and I knew all the regular players on the sub-server. I made a lot of friends throughout Prison 1 and 2 during season 2.0. So, overall Prison 2.0 was my favourite memory. Yes, that's very broad but everything about it 2.0 was a memory for me. Unfortunately, once spawners were added in season 3.0 all the "OG's" and my friends sort of left the server due to the different play style for that reset. The Prison community changed dramatically when season 3.0 started. I didn't play Prison after that until I came back last month and began playing this Prison's reset. I've noticed a few old players back this reset and it's good to see the community is sort of still there. Cheers, Layne.
One of my favorite memories: It was season 1 of Factions (my faction was called Eclipse, ran by Myself, CH33ZE_POW3R, and FlameSkroll) one of our members (ScrapedLemon) recorded one of our raids from back in the day and it is still up, see here:
Hey! My favorite memory on MCC has to be when working on one of the old factions warzones, whilst I was a member of the old build team. This was great fun for me, working alongside many talented builders and friends. It was amazing fun to see the warzone full of players upon release of that factions season.
Hey! My favorite memory on mcc would have to be when I somehow got Minecraft on a school computer and played mcc while we were supposed to be doing coding.
Howdy! My favorite memory on MCC is definitely when I was able to build the biggest head shop on the Creative sub server. I know it sounds lame, but it was still a huge flex during the time, cause all these other ones had like 100-300 heads, and mine had 600-800 heads. Also, it took a really long time to build, with the area to get the heads, rename them with the anvil, and put them in the slots. Then the reset happened, I tried to rebuild it, but then someone hacked my plot, so that sucks. Now I just have a 25 ppl skin comp, because it's easier to build, but I will not forget when I had that head shop. <3
I heard you were a great guy sad to see you go. I see you here and there in game. Hope you have a good future whatever you decide to go with. The mcc community is a great community!
agreed. Being a staff member in general is my favorite memory on mcc, felt great to serve the community. My favorite memory specifically was around late 2017 when me and my friends would play Murder Mayhem together. We’d play all day and we didn’t get tired of it, was truly a blast. Although most of them don’t play Minecraft anymore, murder mayhem is still my favorite mini-game that I still play a lot to this day.
Good question! My favorite memory on this server was when I was in a Skywars game. I thought it would be a normal game, you know, 1 hacker, that would get kicked soon off that start. I start briding to the middle, and a fly hacker comes and knocks me off. I went to go spectate, and I'm not even kidding; I see 5 other hackers, flying/scaffolding. I should've been concerned but it was so funny. I enjoyed that moment so much.
Haha! that made me laugh. Sometimes we don’t realize how funny hackers can really be sometimes. They my fly and kill you on the bridge, but sometimes they are funny.
:o I know right, I really miss it :( brings back the memories Contact me if you have seen them :( Missing Person: IbeleafInyou, IrrelevantPooh, Darkthehedgehog
Hi! I would say one of my favourite moments was when I resigned from staff and I got a bunch of messages from people saying they wish me good luck with my life and all. The fact that so many caring and nice people are on the server is great :)
Hello! I have to say, its a sketch story at first, but it turned out alright. This was back in middle school (6th grade or something, around 6-7 years ago) and my friend and I were hopping around on the server, playing games and such on the weekend. Around this time Skype was the big to-do with gaming and talking to your friend, so we were on a call. Ended up meeting another player and they were pretty chill, we partied with them and were doing games. Ended up adding this random guy that sounded like a grown man to the call (we were way more innocent then than now) and he became a pretty good friend of ours. He ended up just having an extremely low voice for a teenager. We'd play together and such whenever we'd get home from school. Unfortunately, I don't talk to my original friend anymore, but I've know the one we've met for around 7 years now. We talk randomly sometimes, but he's a great person, and I've seen him graduate, and I'm not far behind him. I'm really glad I met him, even if it was shady as hell the way I did at the time. Have a great day/evening!
long time ago i used to play capture the flag with my friends at the time capture the flag was famous asf. We played map castle wars often it was so good and i get so much memories when i play ctf now. this was aswell 2016-2017